Leadership in the Church Flashcards
Who is a bishop?
A leader, teacher and guide for God’s People (The Church) in a certain area called a diocese
What is apostolic succession?
The belief that the power of the Holy Spirit has been passed down from all apostles to all religious people today
Why are bishops the successors of the apostles?
The apostles passed on the authority Jesus gave them by laying hands on other men and calling down the Holy Spirit: bishops
What have bishops received?
The same Spirit and duties of the apostles
What is the title “Pope” mean?
Father, which shows that the Pope must be like a loving father to God’s people on earth
What does the title “Bishop of Rome” represent?
That Peter was the Bishop of Rome, and the Pope is a successor of one apostle, Peter
What does the title “Vicar of Christ” mean?
A ‘vicar’ acts in the place of someone, and Catholics believe that the Pope is the Vicar of Christ because he acts in Christ’s place as Head of the Church on earth.
What does the title “Servant of the Servants of God” mean?
People who work in the church are servants of God, such as bishops and priests, and since the Pope has to serve the whole Church, he is the servant of the servants of God
What is a cardinal?
A priest of a very high rank in the Catholic Church
What is the ‘Sacred College’?
The group of priests chosen by the Pope to run the Roman Catholic Church
What dooes the title “cardinal” convey?
Huge dignity and respect
What do cardinals wear?
A scarlet zucchetto (skullcap) a biretta (four-cornered hat with tassel)
Why are cardinal’s robes crimson?
Crimson is the colour of blood, which symbolises the committment of each cardinal to defend the church to the death
What does the biretta show?
The readiness of the cardinal to act with courage - even the shedding of blood - for the Catholic faith
- Choosing a new Pope
The Pope’s ring of office - the Fisherman’s Ring - and his personal seal are broken
- Choosing a new Pope
A cardinal called the “Carmelangelo” is then placed on temporary charge of the church and makes sure the new Pope is chosen
- Choosing a new Pope
There are 9 days of mourning after the Pope’s funeral and a week after that the College of Cardinals meet to start the electoral process, called a Conclave
- Choosing a new Pope
Cardinals meet and pray in the Sistine Chapel where they cast their votes in a secret ballot
- Choosing a new Pope
There must be at least two thirds plus one votes for a Pope to be elected, but if no results appear within two weeks then a total of half plus one can be accepted
- Choosing a new Pope
There are two ballots taken each morning and afternoon and if there are not enough votes the smoke turns black
- Choosing a new Pope
When the ballot is successful the smoke turns to white and after that the Dean of the College of Cardinals announces ‘Habemaus Papam’ (We have a Pope)
- Choosing a new Pope
Although the new Pope immediately takes over the responsibilities of his position, it is a little while before his official enthronement takes place with all the pageantry of a royal coronation
What is an encyclical?
Letters written to Bishops containing important Catholic teachings
What is a duty of the pope?
To write encyclicals (letters) to all Catholics, urging and encouraging them to do something
How does Pope Francis describe our world?
‘In crisis’, ‘an immense pile of faith’
What problems does the Pope say the world is facing?
- We are treating the world as if we have an ‘unlimited supply of resources’
- Plants and species are being wiped out
Why is climate change unfair on poor people?
Climate change affects them most
How does the Pope say we can change?
By working together
What happens firstly during the path to sainthood?
A person has to have died in order to be considered a saint because Catholics believe that the saints are in heaven with God
What happens after the person has died?
A person who knew the candidate or a member of their religious community asks their local bishop to start the cause for canonisation and receives the title ‘Servant of God’
What happens when the candidate cause is sent to Rome?
The Congregation for the Causes of Saints determines whether the person in question demonstrated heroic sanctity in their lifetime
What is heroic sanctity and what happens after it has been proved?
A life marked by virtuous actions, doing good works out of love of God and their neighbour which results in a new title, ‘Venerable’
What happens after the candidate is called ‘Venerable’?
The search begins for proof of miracle that happened after their death - this is evidence that the person is indeed in heaven with God
What criteria must a miracle have that actually makes it a miracle?
Instantaneous - someone goes from very sick to healthy in a matter of days
Lasting - The cure must last for at least a year
Unexplainable - The person’s return to health was not caused by treatment
How is a miracle’s criteria proved?
Doctors and scientific experts check medical records and the credibility and that people prayed for the intercession of the saint
What happens after the candidate’s miracle is proved?
They are given a new title, ‘Blessed’, and this happens during beatification where a feast day is made and schools and churches may be named after them
What is required for canonisation?
Another miracle, although a martyr only requires one
What does the Catholic Church believe about canonisation?
It does not actually make the person a saint, we merely recognise their sainthood - it’s our earthly way of ensuring they are in heaven with God, hearing and carrying out our prayers
What is a priest?
A religious order who has been appointed by the bishop and has recieved the Sacrament of Holy Orders
What do Catholics believe about Ordination?
When a priest is ordained, his soul undergoes a change of being which forever marks him as a priest
What two vows must a priest make during Ordination?
- Obedience to the local bishop
- A promise to keep celibate - he cannot marry or have sexual relations
How does celibacy help the priest?
It helps him remain close to Christ and dedicate himself to serving God - it proves that Jesus is worth living and sacrificing for
What are the primary duties of a priest?
- Administering the sacraments (Baptism, Reconciliation, Holy Communion, Anointing of the Sick and Marriage)
- Help people understand the Word of God relates to their lives
- To visit the sick and to serve the local community
How does the priest act?
“In the person of Christ” - this is why he speaks in the first person at Mass, e.g. when he says “This is my body, given up for you”
What qualities must a priest have?
A praticing, believing Catholic who attends Mass at least weekly, prays every day, obeys God’s commandments and tries to serve others
What happens leading up to Final Ordination?
- Seminary, a place where his vocation is tested and developed, taking six years with prayer, theological study and parish experience
- He will be ordained a deacon, and after training, a priest
What does a priest do every day?
- Prays the Divine Office, the set daily prayers of the Church
- Celebrates the Eucharist
What does a priest do most days?
- Visit other people or be visited about worries, baptisms, weddings and funerals
- Be involved with parish admin - money, buildings, orders and bills
What does a priest do some days?
- Called out to minister to a sick or dying person
- Visit the local prison, offer Mass and chat with the inmates
- Confessions, school visits, confirmation classes and charity events
What happens during the Presentation of the Candidate?
- Liturgy of the Word
- Bishop’s Homily - the priest will offer the mass and baptise the people of God
What happens after the Examination on the Candidate?
The candidate announces publicly his intention to serve God as a priest - he puts his hands between the hands of the Bishop, an ancient sign of giving obedience to someone
What happens during the Litany of the Saints?
A litany - a series of prayers - asks all the saints to pray for a person, the most important part of the ceremony to take place
What happens after the litany?
There is a prayer to the Holy Spirit for the grace and power of the priesthood
What happens to the new priest’s stole?
It is re-arranged from his shoulder to around his neck and hangs loose in front - his badge of office
What happens during the Anointing of Hands?
The Bishop anoints the priest’s hand with chrism, also used at his confirmation and ordination which will allow him to consecrate people and bless others
What happens during the Presentation of Gifts?
The offertory procession forms and the paten and chalice are given to the Bishop, he hands them to the new priest who is going to consecrate the bread and wine for the first time
What happens at the end of Ordination?
The Sign of Peace - the other priests also give the sign of welcome into the priesthood, and the new priest can celebrate the Mass with the Bishop and the other priests present
What are monks and nuns?
They are people who commit themselves fully to religious life, and live simple, humble lives
What is a monastery and a convent?
A building in which monks live in a community and a building in which nuns live in a community
What is an contemplative order?
A monk or nun in this kind of religious order tends to lead a hidden life of prayer and work. Much of the time is spent praying for all those who need help in the world.
What is an example of a contemplative order and work involved with it?
Work would be gardening, cleaning, and producing religious manuscripts - done by the Poor Claires
What is an apostolic order?
A monk or a nun who tends to live a life where they work with the public, e.g. in schools, hospitals or with the homeless
What is an example of an apostolic order?
The nuns of Mother Teresa working with the poor in India
What law do monks and nuns have to follow?
The law of generosity - meaning they should always help others - and have a duty to pray, meditate and work every day
What promise do monks and nuns make?
A promise to be committed to monastic life, entailing ‘death to the self and wordly matters and life to God’ - they commit themselves to the monastery until death, at which point they will be buried in its cemetery
What vows do monks and nuns make?
Obedience - the promise to obey Christ (represented by the senior member of the monastery)
Poverty - the monk cannot own anything - everything belongs to the community
Chastity - the monk cannot have a sexual relationship nor get married - they devote themselves to God
How do you become a monk?
You become a postulant - this involves spending time living at the monastery while not being bound by vows and free to leave at any time
What happens after the postulant period?
After they become a novice monk for around a year, during which time they begin to participate fully in the monastery and after a few years they make their permanent vows, which are binding for life
What do monks and nuns believe?
They have a ‘vocation’ - a calling from God - to live in their chosen way