Leadership And Teamwork Flashcards
Unexpected sickness occurs in a colleague about to do a weekend on call.
- 5 mins reading
12. 5 mins answer
There is unexpected event in theatre and help is not immediately available.
- 5mins reading
12. 5 mins answering
You are the ST3 in a new hospital and have noticed a number of prescribing errors.
- 5 mins reading
12. 5 mins answering
You are an ST3 in a new breast surgery firm and other senior doctors are doing all the operations.
- 5 mins readying
12. 5 mins answer
You are the ST6 in cancer UGI firm. Fellows are doing the distal gastrectomies. You are teaching St 3 on gallbladders and ward rounds. The consultants are not letting you do the cancer ops.
- 5 mins reading
12. 5 mins answering
You are the ST4 doing the ward round. the first patient you see was admitted yesterday. A man with DM, CKD 3 with 5.8cm AAA. CT was performed with no leakage. He was treated as urinary sepsis, been given IV AMG and was sent to the ward where no one has seen him overnight. He is also on Perindopril. The site manager hung fluids for him at 0100 and he has had poor urine output overnight. Now BP 100/60. You prescribed some more fluids and asked renal team to review. What issues are raised here? How might they be addressed?
- 5 mins reading
12. 5 mins answering
A 48 year old lady who is a senior staff member at the hospital was due to have an elective cholecystectomy for acute cholecystitis which is not settling. However due to over running list is cancelled. Your consultant has asked you to book her onto CEPOD for the next day. Your consultant said he will come in at 9am the next day to do the operation and cant be contacted sooner. Unfortunately the patient was not booked and now there are 4 other patients on CEPOD, 2 diagnostic laps ( 1 septic), 1 abscess I&D, 1 ?laparotomy awaiting CT.
- 5 mins reading
12. 5 mins answering
Staff in infection control are not happy with the number of people present on the morning ward round.
The consultant, medical team, students, nurses and drug and meal rounds are all taking place.
- 5 mins reading
12. 5 mins answer