Communication Flashcards


You are the ST4 on call. It is now 20:30.Your consultant Mr Smith has asked you to call him after hand over for an update. Please dial 2277.

  1. 46 year old admitted with UGI bleed. You have been told by the nurses that he has had 2 further bleeds in the past hour haematemesis and malaena. His BP is 96/45 and P109. Repeat Hb 7.2
  2. A footballer with RIF pain and WCC 21, pyrexic and P112. He has asked whether he can have his operation done privately.
  3. 74 year old man with small bowels obstruction, no obvious signs of hernia. Awaiting for Laparotomy on CEPOD.
  4. 87 year old lady who was admitted with lower abdo pain and confusion, diagnosed with urosepsis. Discussed with Medical team.
  5. 12 yo girl with RIF pain, Rovsings positive. 2 days hx with a WCC 14, CRP 25
  6. 69yo man with DM admitted with large bowel obstruction on Xray. lower abdo pain and weight loss. Lactate 2, WCC 10 and CRP 12
  7. 55yo man with IDDM admitted with a heel ulcer. WCC 25 CRP 200
  8. 24 yo mother of 2. 4 weeks post partum admitted with right mastitis with an indurated area. WCC 19 CRP 200
  9. 77yo lady with an hx of stroke admitted with a painful left leg. Possibly acute ischaemia.
  10. 55 year old lady with LIF pain 4 days with a history of diverticular disease. Tender and Guarding over LIF. WCC 20 CRP 324. Pyrexic 37.9 and P95.
  11. 89yo man who had a fall with a small subdural haematoma. Tertiary centre says observe for 24hrs. He has recently become confused in the last hour.
  12. 77 year old man with a known right inguinal hernia. He has not opened his bowels for 2 days with a distended abdomen and a groin lump that is not reducible.

5 mins to read

10 mins to answer

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