Leadership Flashcards
Is leadership a process or ability?
Leadership is both the process itself and the individual’s ability to act.
What did the Hay Group identify as the most important leadership traits?
Trustworthiness and the ability to communicate.
What does Posner list as the most important traits?
Is simply having the traits enough for a leader to inspire others?
Must be able to demonstrate on a regular basis and observed by others.
List the leadership principles of the American Army.
- Know yourself and seek self improvement
- Be technically proficient
- Seek responsibility and take responsibility for your actions
- Make sound and timely decisions
- Set the example
- Know your people and look out for them
- Keep your workers informed
- Develop sense of responsibility in your workers
- Ensure tasks are understood, supervised and accomplished
- Train as a team
- Use the full capabilities of your organization.
The four factors of leadership include what? Describe each.
- Follower
- Leader
- Communication
- Situation.
Differentiate between a task-oriented, transaction, and transformational leader.
Task-oriented leader: focuses on the job and concentrates on specific tasks assigned to each employee to reach goal accomplishment.
Transaction leader: given power to perform certain tasks and reward/punish for the team’s performance.
Transformational leader: motivates the team to be effective and efficient, focusing the group on the final outcome or goal attainment.
Identify and define the four basic leadership theories.
- Trait
- Behavior
- Situation
- Transformational leadership theory.
Define the four types of leaders in the Four Framework Approach.
- Structural framework – emphasize structure, strategy, environment, implementation, experimentation and adaptation.
- Human resources framework – believe in people, are visible and accessible, move decision-making down into the organization.
- Political framework – clarify what they want, assess the distribution of power, build networks with stakeholders, use persuasion, negotiation and coercion.
- Symbolic framework – play certain roles and give impressions, using symbols to capture attention.
Use the Managerial Grid to identify and describe four types of leaders.
- Authoritarian – 9 on task, 1 on people = high task, low relationship.
- Team leader – 9 on task, 9 on people = high task, high relationship.
- Country club – 1 on task, 9 on people = low task, high relationship.
- Impoverished – 1 on task, 1 on people = low task, low relationship.
Using the Style and Situation Model describe the different leadership styles.
- Telling – high task, low relationship.
- Selling - high task, high relationship.
- Participating - high task, low relationship.
- Delegating - low task, low relationship.
Define communication.
The exchange and flow of information and ideas from one person to another.
When does effective communication occur?
Only if the receiver understands the exact information or idea that was intended to transmit.
What three things are needed for communication to occur?
- Thought – information exists with sender (idea, concept, information).
- Encoding – message is sent to receiver.
- Decoding – receiver translates the message into a concept or information they understand.
Differentiate between content and context.
Content is the actual words/symbols of the message known as language. Context is the way the message is delivered and known as paralanguage.