leadership Flashcards
Describe the Johari Window
Johari Window
Known to Self, Known to Others - Public Self
Unknown to Self, Known to Others - Blind Spots
Unknown to Self, Unknown to Others - Unconscious Self
Known to Self, Unknown to Others - Hidden Self
What is Assigned Leadership?
Assigned Leadership: Leadership that is based on occupying a position in an organisation
What is Emergent Leadership?
Emergent Leadership: When others perceive an individual as the most influential member of a group or an organisation, regardless of the individuals title, the person is exhibiting emergent leadership (People accept and support that individuals behaviour)
What are the six bases of power
Personal Power:
- Referent Power: Based on followers’ identification and liking for the leader.
- Expert Power: Based on followers’ perceptions of the leader’s competence.
Positional Power:
- Legitimate Power: Associated with having status or formal job authority.
- Reward Power: Derived from having capacity to provide rewards to others.
- Coercive Power: Derived from having capacity to penalise or punish others.
- Information Power: Derived from possessing knowledge that others want or need.
What are the four Transformational Leadership Factors?
Idealised Influence: describes leaders who act as strong role models…followers want to emulate.
Inspirational Motivation: leaders who communicate high expectations to followers…team spirit is enhanced.
Intellectual Stimulation: leader stimulates followers to be creative and innovative and to challenge their own beliefs and values as well as those of the leader and the organisation.
Individualised Consideration: leaders provide a supportive climate in which they listen carefully to the individual needs of followers….leaders act as coaches and advisors
What are the 6 Leadership Styles (Goleman)
- Coercive
- Authoritative
- Affiliative
- Democratic
- Pacesetting
- Coaching
What are the 6 DF Values
Selflessness Respect Loyalty Integrity Moral Courage Physical Courage
What are the Eight principles of motivating and engaging others?
- Be motivated/engaged yourself
- Select people who are highly motivated/engaged
- Treat each person as an individual
- Set challenging but realistic targets
- Remember that progress motivates
- Create a motivating/engaging environment
- Provide fair rewards
- Give recognition
Emotional Intelligence: What are the 5 emotional competencies?
- Self Awareness
- Self Regulation
- Motivaton
- Empathy
- Social Skill
What are the 4 levels of emotional labour?
- Surface Acting
“Put on a mask in order to express the right emotions for the job” or
“to pretend to have the emotions you need to display for the job”
- Deep Acting
“Try to actually experience the emotions that you must show”
- Suppression
“hiding your anger about something someone has done” - Emotional consonance
Lack of emotional labour.