Lea- part 4 Flashcards
Organized for the purpose of carrying out the regulations of the state. In 1781, it was given the special commission as custodian of the tobacco monopoly
Carabineros De Seguridad Publico (1712)
Carabineros De Seguridad Publico it was later known as ?
Cuerpo De Carabineros De Seguridad Publica
A body of rural police organization established by Royal Decree of January 28, 1836. The Decree provided that 5% of the able – bodied male inhabitants of each province were to be enlisted in the police organization for three (3) years tour of duty.
Guardilleros (1836);
Created by a royal decree issued by the Crown on February 12, 1852, to partially relieve the Spanish Peninsula Troops of their work in policing towns. They were under the Governor or Alcalde and they had bright and showy uniform, distinctively prominent insignia, and rigidly maintained military bearing ?
Guardia Civil (1852);
It was established on November 30, 1890 during the Philippine – American War (1898-1901) upon recommendation of the Philippine Commission to the Secretary of War.
Insular Police Force (1890);
This law was entitled “An Act Providing for the Organization and Government of an Insular Constabulary and for the Inspection of Municipal Police.”
Insular Constabulary (1901);
It was organized on July 31, 1901 by virtue of Act 183 ?
Manila Police Department (1901);
Who is the First chief of police of Manila Police Department ?
Capt. George Curry
Who is the last American Chief of Police of Manila Police Department ?
Capt. Columbus Piatt
The first Filipino to head of Manila Police Department ?
Col. Antonio Torres
Changed the Insular Constabulary by virtue of Act 255. Brigade – General Henry Tureman Allen, an 1882 graduate of the United States Military Academy, was the first chief of Philippine Constabulary. The first enlisted personnel strength on December 15, 1901 under Brigade – General Allen was 2, 500 in number. They were always outnumbered but won many victories where they are inspired by the creed: “To be outnumbered, always; to be outfought, never.” Aside from maintenance of peace and order, the members of Philippine Constabulary during that time focused on the suppression of rebellion.
Philippine Constabulary (1901);
First chief of Philippine Constabulary ?
Brigade-General Henry Tureman Allen
First Filipino to head the Philippine Constabulary ?
Brigadier – General Rafael Crame
Served with competence for PC Chief for ten (10) years, earning the respect of his men and even the criminals he captured. (PNPA Kalasag, 2011) ?
Brigadier – General Rafael Crame
It stated that the Philippine Constabulary is a national police institution for preserving peace, keeping order, and enforcing the law.?
Revised Administrative Code (1917)
It provided that the government shall organize and maintain a national police force to preserve public order and enforce the law.
Philippine Constitution (1935)
On January 2, 1942 in the advent of World War II, the first element of Japanese Imperial Army called Kempeitaientered Manila.
Kempeitai (1942);
Kempeitai Literally meant ?
“Military Police Corps”
It was organized and existed from 1881 to 1945 to discharge not public service but to perform functions of the military police for the Imperial Japanese Navy under the direction of the Admiralty Minister ?
Military Police Corps
The National Bureau of Investigation was established on June 19, 1947 by virtue of ?
Republic Act 157 (1947);
Known as the “Police Act of 1966” was enacted on August 8, 1966. It created a Police Commission under the Office of the President of the Philippines ?
Republic Act 4864 (1966);
R.A 4864 is otherwise known as?
Police Act of 1966.
What agency created under the Republic Act 4864 ?
Police Commission (POLCOM)
POLCOM is now known as?
National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM)
amended certain sections of Republic Act numbered 2260 known as the “Civil Service Act of 1969.”?
Republic Act 6040 (1969);
known as “An Act Creating the Board of Examiners for Criminologists in the Philippines and for Other Purposes” was approved and took effect on July 1, 1972.
Republic Act 6506 (1972):
otherwise known as Integration act of 1975?
Presidential Decree 765 (1975)
Presidential Decree 765 was enacted on ?
August 8, 1975
known as “The Integrated National Police Personnel Professionalization Act of 1977” was enacted on August 26, 1977 ?
Presidential Decree 1184 (1977);
provides in part that the State shall establish and maintain one police force, which shall be national in scope and civilian in character, to be administered and controlled by a National Police Commission. The authority of the local executives over the police units in their jurisdiction shall be provided by law. ?
Philippine Constitution (1987)
It was recognized later as the “DILG Act of 1990.” This law established the Philippine National Police, a merger of the Integrated National Police and Philippine Constabulary. It also created the National Police Commission to administer and control the Philippine National Police. It further enforced the policy that the PNP shall be national in scope and civilian in character, in compliance with the provisions of Section 6, Article XVI of the Constitution ?
Republic Act 6975 (1990)
It was approved on December 13, 1990 by the President Corazon C. ?
Republic Act 6975 (1990);
PNP Reform and Reorganization Act of 1998. It amended the provisions of Republic Act 6975 concerning the PNP, which had the main purpose of reforming and professionalizing the PNP and Penology?
Republic Act 8551 (1998)
known as Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) and Bureau of Jail Management (BJMP) Professionalization Act of 2004. ?
Republic Act 9263 (2004)
It revised some provisions of Republic Act 6975 especially those pertaining to BFP and BJMP.?
Republic Act 9263 (2004)
An Act Extending for Five (5) years the Reglementary Period for Complying with the Minimum Educational Qualification for Appointment to the PNP and Adjusting the Promotion System Thereof, Amending Certain Provisions of Republic Act 6975 and Republic Act 8551 and for Other Purposes. ?
Republic Act 9708 (2009);
The latest law amendment of the PNP. Approve on August 12, 2009 ?
Republic Act 9708 (2009)
The law Regulating the practice of Criminology Profession in the Philippines and Appropriating Funds therefor, repealing for the purpose Republic Act 6506. ?
Republic Act 11131
The act providing for Rank Classification in the Philippine National Police, Amending for the purpose Section 28 of Republic Act 6975, as amended, otherwise known as the “Department of Interior and Local Government Act of 1990.” It substantially returned the military rank of police personnel.?
Republic Act 11200
1st organized police force?
Carabineros De Seguridad Publico