LE1 (Parasitic Protozoans) Flashcards
Trichomonas vaginalis
(Disease caused)
Trichomoniasis (white, green, grey vaginal discharge)
Trichomonas vaginalis
(Mode of transmission)
Direct Transmission: Sexual Transmission (having unprotected sex with someone who has trich)
Trichomonas vaginalis
(Intermediate Host)
N/A (direct transmission)
Trichomonas vaginalis
(Definitive Host)
Trichomonas vaginalis
(Infective Stage)
Trophozoites in vaginal or prostatic secretion
Trichomonas vaginalis
(Diagnostic Stage)
Trophozoites in vagina or orifice of urethra
Trichomonas vaginalis
Metronidazole and Tinidazole
Leishmania spp.
(Disease caused)
Leishmaniasis (caused by diploid protozoa)
Leishmania spp.
(Mode of transmission)
Sand Fly Vector Transmission: Blood Meal (bite of infected female phlebotomine sandflies)
Leishmania spp.
(Intermediate Host)
Sand Fly Vector : Phlebotomus papatasi
Leishmania spp.
(Definitive Host)
Vertebrate mammals (humans, dogs, and rodents)
Leishmania spp.
(Infective Stage)
Promastigotes injected by sand fly
Leishmania spp.
(Diagnostic stage)
Leishmania spp.
Sodium stibogluconate & n-methyl-glucamine, Amphotericin B, and Pentamidine.
Treatment depends on host and parasite factors. Some regimens effectiveness depends on species, strain, and location. Special groups may need different medications
Plasmodium faciparum/vivax/malariae/ovale
(Disease caused)
Plasmodium faciparum/vivax/malariae/ovale
(Mode of transmission)
Mosquito Vector Transmission: Blood Meal (bite of infected female anopheles mosquito)
Plasmodium faciparum/vivax/malariae/ovale
(Intermediate host)
Plasmodium faciparum/vivax/malariae/ovale
(Definitive Host)
Mosquito Vector: Female Anopheles spp.
Main PHL Vector: A. flavirostris
Plasmodium faciparum/vivax/malariae/ovale
(Infective Stage)
Sporozoites (mosquitoes inject to humans)
Plasmodium faciparum/vivax/malariae/ovale
(Diagnostic stage)
Merozoites infect the blood
Human Blood Stage: Immature Trophozoite (ring stage), Mature Trophozoite, Schizonts, and Gametocytes
Plasmodium faciparum/vivax/malariae/ovale
- Prophylactic drugs
- Blood Schizonticidal drugs
- Gametocytocidal drugs
- Hypnozoitocidal drugs/Antirelapse drugs
- Sporonticidal drugs
Giardia duodenalis
(Disease caused)
Giardiasis (stomach cramps/diarrhea)
Giardia duodenalis
(Mode of transmission)
Direct Transmission: Fecal-Oral Route (contaminated water containing the ameba enters thru the nose)
Giardia duodenalis
(Intermediate host)
N/A (Direct Transmission)
Giardia duodenalis
(Definitive host)
Humans and other mammals
Giardia duodenalis
(Infective Stage)
Cyst in infected water
Giardia duodenalis
(Diagnostic Stage)
Cyst & Trophozoites in small intestine
Giardia duodenalis
Naegleria fowleri
(Disease caused)
Primary Amebic Meningoencaphalitis (PAM) (fever, hallucinations, gastritis)
Naegleria fowleri
(Mode of transmission)
Direct Transmission: Water-Borne Transmission
Naegleria fowleri
(Intermediate host)
N/A (Free-living in warm freshwater and soil)
Naegleria fowleri
(Definitive host)
Humans or Animals (penetrates nasal mucosa and migrates too brain; no definitive host)
Naegleria fowleri
(Infective stage)
Trophozoites in water
Naegleria fowleri
(Diagnostic stage)
Trophozoites (CSF and Brain Tissue) & Flagellated Forms (Ocassionally in CSF)
Naegleria fowleri
Amphotericin B in combination with Clotrimazole
(however, most die prior to effective treatment)
Entamoeba histolytica/dispar
(Disease caused)
Entamoeba histolytica/dispar
(Mode of transmission)
Direct Transmission: Fecal-Oral Route (swallowing contaminated water)
Entamoeba histolytica/dispar
(Intermediate host)
N/A (Direct Transmission)
Entamoeba histolytica/dispar
(Definitive host)
Entamoeba histolytica/dispar
(Infective stage)
Cyst (Formed Stool)
Trophozoites (Diarrheal Stool)
in food and water
Entamoeba histolytica/dispar
(Diagnostic stage)
Cyst (Formed Stool) is ingested
Trophozoites (Diarrheal Stool) in the colon
Entamoeba histolytica/dispar
Metronidazole & Diloxanide Furoate
Trypanosoma brunei gambiense/rhodesiense
(Disease caused)
African Trypanosomiasis
T.b. gambiense = Chronic West African Sleeping Sickness
T.b. rhodesiense = Acute East African Sleeping Sickness
Trypanosoma brunei gambiense/rhodesiense
(Mode of transmission)
Tstetse Fly Vector Transmission - Blood Meal (bite of tsetse flies (glosinna))
Trypanosoma brunei gambiense/rhodesiense
(Intermediate host)
Tsetse Fly Vector: Glossina spp.
Long, slender trypomastigote
Trypanosoma brunei gambiense/rhodesiense
(Definitive host)
Trypanosoma brunei gambiense/rhodesiense
(Infective stage)
Metacyclic Trypomastigotes (tsetse fly takes a blood meal)
Trypanosoma brunei gambiense/rhodesiense
(Diagnostic stage)
M. cyclic trypomastigotes infects blood which has an acute phase (circulating trypamastigotes)
Trypanosoma brunei gambiense/rhodesiense
First Stage = Intravenous suramin sodium for both spp., Intramuscular pentamidine for Gambian form
CNS Stage = Intravenous Melarsoprol, if inefficient, use Nitrofurazone
Hemolymphatic Stage = Eflorinthine (Effective against T.b. gambiense)
Sarcocystis spp.
(Disease caused)
Sarcocystis spp.
(Mode of transmission)
- Fecal-Oral Route
- Ingestion of Undercooked Meat
- Ingesting the form of the parasite that has been passed in animal feces
Sarcocystis spp.
(Intermediate host)
S. hominis: Cattle;
S. suihominis: Pigs
Sarcocystis spp.
(Definitive host)
Carnivores (Humans, Dogs, Cats)
Sarcocystis spp.
(Infective stage)
Oocyst with bradyzoites in undercooked meat
Sarcocystis spp.
(Diagnostic stage)
Bradyzoites in intestine cause cells to rupture when it release gametes
Sarcocystis spp.
Muscle Biopsy, Albendazole, & Corticosteroids (no direct corticosteroids in inflammation)
Babesia spp.
(Disease caused)
Specific Babesia spp.
Babesia microti
Babesia spp.
(Mode of transmission)
Tick Vector: Blood Meal or Transfusion (through the bite of an infected tick)
Babesia spp.
(Intermediate host)
Tick Vector: Ixodes scapularis
White-Footed Mouse
Babesia spp.
(Definitive host)
Vertebrate mammals (e.g. humans, rodents, and dogs)
Babesia spp.
(Infective stage)
Sporozoites injected by ticks
Babesia spp.
(Diagnostic stage)
Trophozoites (in RBC) and Merozoites
Babesia spp.
clue: C+Q
Clindamycin + Quinine
Azithromycin + Atovaquone
Antipyretics Vasopressors
Toxoplasma gondii
(Disease caused)
Toxoplasma gondii
(Mode of transmission)
Fecal-Oral Route, Ingestion of Undercooked Meat
Toxoplasma gondii
(Intermediate host)
Warm-blooded animals (including humans, birds, and rodents)
Toxoplasma gondii
(Definitive host)
Family Felidae (domestic cats and their relatives)
Toxoplasma gondii
(Infective stage)
Oocysts in infected meat, Tachyzoite, and Bradyzoite
Toxoplasma gondii
(Diagnostic stage)
Humans and other IH: Tachyzoite & Bradyzoite
Domestic & Wild felids: Oocysts in muscle tissue or brain tissue, Tachyzoites, & Bradyzoites
Toxoplasma gondii
Pyrimethamine and Sulfadiazine
Cryptosporidium spp.
(Disease caused)
Cryptosporidium spp.
(Mode of transmission)
Direct Transmission: Fecal-Oral Route (swallowing contaminated water)
Cryptosporidium spp.
(Intermediate Host)
N/A (Direct Transmission)
Cryptosporidium spp.
(Definitive host)
Vertebrate mammals (including humans)
Cryptosporidium spp.
(Infective stage)
Thick-walled oocyst ingested by host
Thick-walled oocyst (sporulated) exits host
Cryptosporidium spp.
(Diagnostic stage)
Thick-walled oocyst in stool samples (sporulated) exits host
Cryptosporidium spp.
clue: NA
Nitazoxanide & Azithromycin
E. histolytica (cyst or trophozoite) has:
- definitive stage
- more nucleus and can be seen clearly
- considered a diagnostic stage
- longer shelf life
E. histolytica cyst
E. histolytica (cyst or trophozoite) has:
- irregular shapes
- short lived
E. histolytica trophozoite
- Free living amoeba
- Pathogenic and opportunistic parasite
Acanthamoeba (Diagnostic stage)
Cysts and Trophozoites lodged in the tissue
Acanthamoeba (Life cycle)
- causes keratitis if it enters the eye
- causes GAE if it infects the nasal passages
Genus of E. histolytica
Genus of N. fowleri
Naegleria fowleri adult form
Naegleria fowleri
3 stages of the life cycle of Naegleria spp.
Cyst, Trophozoite, and Flagellate
Freeliving amebo-flagellate
trophozoite form ____________
swimming form ______________
Genus of T. vaginalis
Leading parasitic disease that causes mortality worldwide
Called the African sleeping sickness
Genus of Trypanosoma
Genus of Leishmaniasis
Most common sore ulcer
Cutaneous leishmaniasis
Numerous diffuse satellite lesions
Mucocutaenous leishmaniasis
Spread of parasites into bone marrow, spleen, and liver
Visceral leishmaniasis
Infect the intestinal tract of vertebrates
Where all stages of development are completed in Cryptosporidium
Gastrointestinal tract of the host
Toxoplasmosis life cycle
Schizogony, gametogony, and sporogony
Simplest form of Sarcocystis spp.
Invasive form of Sarcocystis spp.
Intestinal form of Sarcocystis spp.
Nausea, diarrhea, and abdominal pain
Sarcocystis spp. symptoms
Anorexia, nausea, and abdominal pain
Hemosporidian parasite causing babesiosis
Babesia spp.
Intermediate host of Fasciola hepatica
Freshwater snail
Intermediatete host of Clonorchis sinensis
Snail: Parafossarulus
Intermediate host of Paragonimus westermani (snail)
Antemelania asperata, Antemelania dactylus
Intermediate host of Paragonimus westermani (Crab)
Mountain crabs
Intermediate host of Schistosoma japonicum
Oncomelania hupensis quadrasi
causes Chagas disease, transmitted by “kissing bugs”, causes damage to nervous system
Trypanosoma cruzi
- Intracellular protozoan found within RBCs.
- Spread by infected ticks
Intermediate host of Taenia solium
Intermediate host of Taenia sagenata
After humans consume the eggs passed on by dogs, the worms can form huge cysts in the body
Hydatid disease
2nd most common parasitic disease
Most common cause of diarrhea
Most common reason why people get infected
fecal-oral transmission
Common parasites found in meat
One of the most neglected tropical disease