LE1 (Parasitic Platyhelminthes) Flashcards
Fasciola hepatica/gigantica
(Disease caused)
Fasciola hepatica/gigantica
(Mode of transmission)
Fecal-Oral Route
Ingestion of Undercooked/Unwashed Aquatic Plant
Fasciola hepatica/gigantica
(Intermediate host)
1st IH: Snail (In PH: L. philippinensis and L. auricularia rubiginosa | hepatica: amphibious; gigantica: aquatic)
2nd IH: Aquatic Plants (Ipomea obscura and Nasturtium officinale)
Fasciola hepatica/gigantica
(Definitive host)
Herbivorous mammals (Sheep, Cattle, Buffalo, Goats)
Wild domestic herbivores (Deer, Camels, Horses, and Rabbits)
Accidental Dead-End Host: Humans
Fasciola hepatica/gigantica
(Infective stage)
Metacercariae (Ingestion of this encysted on edible aquatic plants)
Fasciola hepatica/gigantica
(Diagnostic Stage)
Unembryonated eggs (passed in feces)
Fasciola hepatica/gigantica
Triclabendazole | Bithionol
Clonorchis sinensis
(Disease caused)
Clonorchis sinensis
(Mode of transmission)
Fecal-Oral Route
Ingestion of Undercooked Fish
Clonorchis sinensis
(Intermediate host)
1st IH: Snail (Parafossarulus, Bulinus, Thiara, Melanoides) | 2nd IH: Fish (Family Cyprinidae)
Clonorchis sinensis
(Definitive host)
Carnivorous mammals (Humans, Domestic Carnivores, Wild Carnivores)
Clonorchis sinensis
(Infective stage)
Metacercariae (in flesh or skin of fresh water fish are ingested by the definitive host
Clonorchis sinensis
(Diagnostic Stage)
Embryonated eggs (passed in feces)
Clonorchis sinensis
Praziquantel, Albendazole and Praziquantel-albendazole
Paragonimus westermani
(Disease caused)
Paragonimus westermani
(Mode of transmission)
Fecal-sputum-oral route
Ingestion of undercooked crab/crustacean
Paragonimus westermani
(Intermediate host)
1st IH: Snail (Antemelania asperata & Antemelania dactylus) | 2nd IH: Crab (Sundathelphusa philippina)
Paragonimus westermani
(Definitive host)
Carnivorous mammals (Humans, Felids, Canids)
Paragonimus westermani
(Infective stage)
Metacercariae (Cercariae invades crustacean and encyst into metacercariae)
Paragonimus westermani
(Diagnostic stage)
Unembryonated egg
Paragonimus westermani
Praziquantel, Triclabendazole, and Bithionol
Schistosoma spp.
(Disease caused)
Schistosoma spp.
(Mode of transmission)
Skin Penetration in Water-Related Activities
Schistosoma spp.
(Intermediate host)
Snail (Oncomelania hupensis quadrasi)
Schistosoma spp.
(Definitive host)
Schistosoma spp.
(Infective stage)
Cercariae (penetrate the skin of DH)
Schistosoma spp.
(Diagnostic Stage)
Embryonated eggs (from stool/urine of DH)
Schistosoma spp.
Taenia spp.
(Disease caused)
T. saginata: Taeniasis
T. solium: Cysticercosis (Affects Humans and Pigs)
Taenia spp.
(Mode of transmission)
Fecal-Oral Route, Ingestion of Undercooked Beef/Pork
Taenia spp.
(Intermediate host)
T. saginata: Cattle (infected by the cysticercus stage)
T. solium: Pig (infected by the cysticercus stage called Cysticercus cellulosae)
Taenia spp.
(Definitive host)
Both spp.: Humans
Taenia spp.
(Infective stage)
T. saginata: Embryonated eggs (Ingested)
T. solium: Cysticerci (Consumed in meat)
Taenia spp.
(Diagnostic stage)
T. saginata: Adult tapeworms (in small intestine)
T. solium: Eggs and gravid proglottids (in feces)
Taenia spp.
Taeniasis: Praziquantel, Niclosamide
Cysticercosis: Praziquantel, Albendazole, Corticosteroids
Common name of Clonorchis sinensis
Chinese Liver Fluke or Oriental Liver Fluke
Common name of Fasciola gigantica
Tropical Liver Fluke
Common name of Fasciola hepatica
Temperate Liver Fluke
Common name of Paragonimus spp.
Lung Fluke
Common name of Schistosoma japonicum
Oriental Blood Fluke
Common name of Taenia saginata
Beef tapeworm
Common name of Taenia solium
Pork tapeworm