LE Clinical Syndromes Flashcards
Hip Osteoarthritis
- defn, symptoms & moi
- inclusion criteria
slowly progressive joint disease that causes articular cartilage breakdown and loss, capsular fibrosis & osteophyte formation
Symptoms: insidious onset of pain in anterolateral hip and groin region; decreased ROM
Inclusion Criteria:
1. hip pain AND IR 15 w/ pain AND morning stiffness less than 60 min and greater than 50 years old
2. Hip pain AND IR less than 15 AND hip flexion less than 115
MOI: aging, trauma, repetitive abnormal stress, obesity or systemic diseases
Kellgren & Lawrence Classification Scale of OA
Grade I = doubtful narrowing of joint space but symptoms are present
Grade II = definite osteophytes & joint space narrowing
Grade III = Moderate, multiple osteophytes, increased joint space narrowing, some sclerosis & possibly contour deformity
Grade IV = large osteophytes, marked narrowing, severe sclerosis & definite deformity
Hip Labral Tears
-defn, symptoms & MOI
tear in acetabular labrum due to excessive forces or pressure at the hip joint
-mainly females, atraumatic, hard to diagnose
Symptoms: anterior/groin pain (90%), clicking/catching, giving way, stiffness
- Traumatic - MVA, falling, sports (frequent ER)
- Atraumatic - repetitive microtrauma
Trochanteric Bursitis - Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome (GTPS)
defn, symptoms, special tests & MOI
chronic, intermittent pain w/ tenderness to palpation over lateral aspect of the hip
- usually affecting females
Symptoms: persistent pain tender to palpation
AGG - lying on affected side, prolonged standing, sit to stand, sitting w/affected leg crossed, climbing stairs, running or other high impact
Special tests: resisted ABD & IR, Ober’s test
MOI - chronic microtrauma, regional muscle dysfunction, overuse, obesity or muscle fatigue
Hip Muscular Strains
defn, symptoms & MOI
pull or tear of a hip muscle; commonly the hamstring (bicep femoris esp), quads & adductors
Symptoms: pain over injured muscle, increased pain w/ palpation, swelling & loss in strength
MOI: stretched muscle forced to contract suddenly, overstertching, fall or direct blow, overuse, inadequate warm up, lack of flexibility
Classification/Grades of Muscle strains
Grade I - small tears in fibers, pain but MINIMAL loss in strength & ROM
Grade II - more amt of fibers torn but lesion incomplete; pain, swelling, bruising, compromised strength but not complete loss
Grade III - most fibers are torn & can be completely ruptured, movement is difficult or impossible & loss of function
Avascular Necrosis of the Femoral head
-defn, symptoms, MOI
progressive ischemia & death of bone cells of the femoral head due to disruption of circumflex arteries
Symptoms: pain (groin, prox thigh or gluteal region) that is increased w/ WB, limitations in ROM & antalgic gait
- Traumatic - falls, fracture & dislocation
- Atraumatic - long-term use of corticosteroids & excessive alcohol intake
Femoral Neck Stress Fracture
-defn, categories, symptoms, MOI
stress fracture of the neck (2in from joint)
- typically affects young & active OR old & frail
- Compression fx - on inferior aspect of femoral neck
- Tension fx - on superior aspect, more likely to progress & fx completely or dislocate
Symptoms: groin pain w/ activity, deep thigh pain, limping, rest relieves pain
MOI: sudden change in activity (athletes, military recruits) or falls (elderly)
Piriformis Syndrome
defn, symptoms, MOI
irritation or compression of sciatic nerve caused by spasm or contracture of the piriformis muscle
Symptoms: pain, N/T posterior leg, difficulty sitting, sore feeling & tenderness w/ palpation
-Special tests: piriformis test, femoral-acetabular impingement test
MOI: overuse, inadequate stretching, poor posture during walking/running or fall on buttocks
commonly seen in cyclists or rowers
defn, symptoms, MOI
groin pain in athletes w/o inguinal hernia that usually occurs where the adductor muscles & abdominal muscles meet at the pubic bone
Symptoms: unilateral insidious groin pain, acute hx of sudden tearing sensation
-relief w/ rest & aggravation when activity resumes
MOI: muscular imbalances that result in uneven distribution of forces, usually due to significant twisting & cutting
Difficult to diagnose, must rule out other possibilities
Grades/Classifications of Pubalgia
Grade I - single or multiple tears of rectus abdominus or adductor muscles
Grade II - partial avulsion from pubic symphysis
Grade III - complete avulsion w/ associated microtears
Femoral Condyle Injury
defn, symptoms, MOI & diagnosis
focal articular cartilage defects OR osteochondritis dissecans (OCD lesion)
defn - focal lesion in the articular cartilage; more common in males (12-35) & related to sports trauma
Symptoms - pain, swelling, catching, tenderness, limited ROM
- reproduce pain w/ palpation of joint line
MOI - unknown, may be heriditary
diagnosed by arthroscopic surgery: Grades I/II will have less swelling & may be able to perform some activitives whereas grade IV will have severe limitations & pain & swelling
Meniscal Injury
defn, symptoms, MOI & diagnostics
tear in the meniscus
- medial > lateral b/c medial more tightly bound
Symptoms: pain & limited motion especially w/ extension/compression, hard end feel, tenderness w/ palpation of joint line
- traumatic: compression (WB) AND rotation; sudden acc/deceleration combined w/ change in direction
- degenerative: stiff & less compliant
Diagnostics: Apleys compression, McMurrays test; gold standard = MRI
ACL Injury
defn & risk factors, symptoms, MOI
injury to the ACL Risk factors: females (why?) - smaller intercondylar notch - female hormones - increased valgus posture when landing/cutting - delayed hamstring reflex when landing
Symptoms: knee giving out, acute hemarthrosis, immediate dysfunction, inability to walk unassisted, “pop”
- Just ACL = hyperextension + anterior translation
- contact (valgus stress) or noncontact (sudden deceleration w/ massive quads contraction) - ACL + med meniscus = hyperext + rotation
- ACL + med meniscus + MCL = extension + valgus force + rotation
PCL injury
defn, symptoms, MOI
injury of PCL - less common than ACL b/c 50% stronger
Symptoms: similar to ACL
MOI: hyperflexion + posterior translation
“dashboard injury”