LE Arthrology Flashcards
femoral sheath is a continuation of the transversalis fascia of the abdomen. A femoral hernia results in abdominal viscera herniating through the transversalis fascia of the abdomen into the femoral canal.
femoral hernia results in abdominal viscera herniating through the transversalis fascia of the abdomen into the femoral canal.
Pubic Symphysis
(1) Joint Classification
(2) Bones
(3) Ligaments
(1) Secondary Cartilaginous (Symphysis) Joint
(2) Left and Right pubic bones
(3) Superior Pubic Ligament, Inferior Pubic Ligament, Interpubic Disc (fibrocartilaginous disc between right and left pubic symphyseal surfaces)
Ligaments of the Hip Bone
- Inguinal Ligament (pubic tubercle of pubis to ASIS of ilium)
- Obturator Membrane (covers obturator foramen)
- Transverse Acetabular Ligament (stretches across Acetabular Notch)
Sacroiliac Joint
(1) Joint Classification
(2) Bone Articulations
(3) Ligaments
(1) Compound Joint – Fibrous syndesmosis between sacral and iliac tuberosities, Planar Synovial between sacral and iliac auricular surfaces
(2) Auricular surface of sacrum and articular surface of ilium, sacral and iliac tuberosities
(3) Sacrospinous L (ventral sacrum to ischial spine), Sacrotuberous L (ventral sacrum to ischial tuberosity), Posterior Sacroiliac L (two parts: Long Posterior Sacroiliac L, Short Posterior Sacroiliac L), Anterior Sacroiliac L, Interosseous Sacroiliac L (deep to the Posterior Sacroiliac L)
The ____ ligament and ___ ligament produce the ligamentous borders which produce the Greater Sciatic Foramen and Lesser Sciatic Foramen from the Greater Sciatic Notch and Lesser Sciatic Notch
Sacrobtuberous and Sacrospinous
Aetabulofemoral Joint
(1) Joint Classification
(2) Bone Articulations
(3) Ligaments
(1) Spheroidal Synovial Joint
(2) Articulation between the femoral head and acetabulum
(3) Acetabular Labrum (surrounds acetabular rim, continuous with transverse acetabular L), Transverse Acetabular L (stretches across acetabular notch), Articular Capsule (fibrous capsule reinforced by Iliofemoral L, Pubofemoral L, Ischiofemoral L, Orbicular Zone; also contains synovial membrane which is composed of synovial folds/retinacula, Synovial Protrusion, L of the Head of the Femur)
Bursa of Gluteal Region
- Trochanteric Bursa (between gluteus maximus and greater trochanter)
- Ischial Bursa (between Inferior Gluteus Maximus and Ischial Tuberosity)
- Gluteofemoral Bursa (between IT and Vastus Lateralis)
- Bursa of Obturator Internus (between Ischium and Obturator Internus Tendon)
Knee Joint
(1) Joint Classification
(2) Bone Articulations
(3) Ligaments
(1) Modified Ginglymus Synovial Joint
(2) Lateral and Medial Femorotibial (Medial Femoral and Tibial Condyles, Lateral Femoral and Tibial Condyles), Femoropatellar (Patella and Femur)
(3) Articular Capsule, Patellar L, Fibular (lateral) Collateral L, Tibial (medial) Collateral L, Oblique Popliteal L, Arcuate Popliteal L, Anterior Cruciate L, Posterior Cruciate L, Coronary L, Transverse L of the Knee, Posterior Meniscofemoral L)
Articular Capsule of the Knee
- Fibrous Capsule: Medial Patellar Retinaculum, Lateral Patellar Retinaculum, Gap for the Patellar L, Gap for the Popliteus T
- Synovial Membrane: Infrapatellar Synovial Fold, Lateral Alar Fold, Medial Alar Fold, Infrapatellar Fat Pad
Bursa of the Knee continuous with the Synovial Cavity
- Suprapatellar Bursa (between Femur and Quadriceps T)
- Popliteus Bursa (between Popliteus T and Lateral Tinial Condyle)
- Gastrocnemius Bursa (between proximal attachment of medial head of Gastrocnemius and Femur)
- Semimembranosus Bursa (between medial head of Gastrocnemius and Semimebranosus T)
Extracapsular Ligaments of Knee
- Patellar L (continuous with Quadriceps T)
- Fibular Collateral L (from Lateral Femoral Epicondyle to Fibular Head)
- Tibial Collateral L (from Medial Femoral Epicondyle to Medial Tibial Condyle, attached to the Medial Meniscus)
- Oblique Popliteal L (focal thickening of Semimembranosus T)
- Arcuate Popliteal L (from posterior aspect of Fibular Head to posterior surface of Knee Joint)
Intraarticular Ligaments of the Knee
- Anterior Cruciate L (anterior aspect of Intercondylar area of Tibia to medial aspect of Lateral Femoral Condyle)
- Posterior Cruciate L (posterior aspect of Intercondylar area of Tibia to lateral aspect of the Medial Femoral Condyle)
- Coronary L (extension of the Fibrous Capsule to the external edges of Menisci)
- Transverse L of the Knee (joins anterior edges of Menisci)
- Posterior Meniscofemoral L (joins Lateral Meniscus to PCL and lateral aspect of Medial Femoral Condyle)
Bursa of Knee not continuous with Synovial Cavity
- Subcutaneous Prepatellar Bursa (between skin and patella)
- Subcutaneous Infrapatellar Bursa (between Patellar L and Anterior Tibia)
- Anserine Bursa (between Gracilis, Sartorius, and Semitendinosus Tendons and Tibia)
- Deep Infrapatellar Bursa (between Patellar L and anterior Tibia)
Tibiofibular Joint
(1) Joint Classification
(2) Bone Articulations
(3) Ligaments
(1) Ginglymus Synovial Joint / Planar Synovial Joint
(2) Distal ends of Tibia and Fibula and the Trochlea of the Talus Bone
(3) Lateral L of the Ankle (Anterior Talofibular L, Posterior Talofibular L, Calcaneofibular L), Medial L (Deltoid L) of the Ankle (stabilizes ankle during eversion; consists of Anterior Tibiotalar L, Posterior Tibiotalar L, Tibionavicualr L, Tibiocalcaneal L)
Talocalcaneal (Subtalar) Joint
(1) Joint Classification
(2) Bone Articulations
(3) Ligaments
(1) Planar Synovial Joint
(2) Posterior Calcaneal articular facet of the Talus and distal Calcaneus and Navicular
(3) Articular Capsule (Fibrous Capsule and Synovial Membrane), Medial Talcocalcaneal L (focal thickening of Articular Capsule), Lateral Talocalcaneal L (focal thickening of Articular Capsule), Posterior Talocalcaneal L (focal thickening of Articular Capsule), Interosseous Talcocalcaneal L
Talocrural Joint (Ankle Joint)
(1) Joint Classification
(2) Bones
(1) Ginglymus (Hinge) Synovial Joint
(2) Fibula, Tibia, Talus
Transverse Tarsal Joint (Transverse Arch) is the combination of what two joints?
Talocalcaneonavicular Joint and Calcaneocuboid Joint
Talocalcaneonavicular Joint
(1) Joint Classification
(2) Bone Articulations
(3) Ligaments
(1) Spheroidal Synovial Joint
(2) Head of Talus and distal Calcaneus and Navicular
(3) incomplete Articular Capsule (incomplete Fibrous Capsule and Synovial Membrane), Plantar Calcaneonavicular/Spring L (extends from Sustentaculum Tali to Navicular, supports head of the Talus, responsible for distributing weight from the Talus and maintaining the Longitudinal Arch of the Foot), Bifurcate L
What ligament in the foot maintains the Longitudional Arch?
Calcaneonavicular/Spring L
Calcaneocuboid Joint
(1) Joint Classification
(2) Bone Articulations
(3) Ligaments
(1) Planar Synovial
(2) Articular surface for the Cuboid on the Calcaneus and the Posterior aspect of the Cuboid
(3) Articular Capsule (Fibrous Capsule, Synovial Membrane), Dorsal Calcaneocuboid L (focal thickening of fibrous capsule), Plantar Calcaneocuboid / Short Plantar L, Long Plantar L, Bifurcate L
Cuneonavicular Joint
(1) Joint Classification
(2) Bone Articulations
(3) Ligaments
(1) Planar Synovial Joint
(2) between all three Cuneiform bones and the Navicular Bone
(3) Articular capsule (common capsule that encloses the joint, consists of Fibrous Capsule and Synovial Membrane), Dorsal Cuneonavicular L, Plantar Cuneonavicular L
Intercuneiform Joint
(1) Joint Classification
(2) Bone Articulations
(3) Ligaments
(1) Planar Synovial Joint
(2) between Medial and Intermediate Cuneiform bones, and Intermediate and Lateral Cuneiform bones
(3) Articular Capsule (common capsule encloses this joint, consists of Fibrous Capsule and Synovial Membrane), Dorsal Intercuneiform L, Planter Intercuneiform L, Intercuneiform Interosseous L
Cuneocuboid Joint
(1) Joint Classification
(2) Bone Articulations
(3) Ligaments
(1) Planar Synovial Joint
(2) Lateral Cuneiform and Cuboid Bones
(3) Articular Capsule (common capsule encloses this joint, consists of Fibrous Capsule and Synovial Membrane), Dosal Cuneocuboid L, Plantar Cuneocuboid L, Cuneocuboid Interosseous L
Cuboideonavicular Joint
(1) Joint Classification
(2) Bone Articulations
(3) Ligaments
(1) Planar Synovial Joint
(2) Cuboid and Navicular Bones
(3) Articular Capsule (common capsule encloses this joint, consists of Fibrous Capsule and Synovial Membrane), Dorsal Cuboideonavicular L, Plantar Cuboideonavicular L
Tarsometatarsal Joint (5 joints)
(1) Joint Classification
(2) Bone Articulations
(3) Ligaments
(1) Planar Synovial Joint
(2) 1st Joint between Medial Cuneiform and Base of 1st Metatarsal, 2nd Joint between Intermediate Cuneiform and Base of 2nd Metatarsal, 3rd Joint between Lateral Cuneiform and Base of the 3rd Metatarsal, 4th and 5th Joints between the Cuboid and Bases of the 4th and 5th Metatarsals
(3) Articular Capsule (separate capsule exists for each joint, consists of Fibrous Capsule and Synovial Membrane), Dorsal Tarsometatarsal L, Plantar Tarsometatarsal L, Interosseous Tarsometatarsal L
Intermetatarsal Joint (4 joints)
(1) Joint Classification
(2) Bone Articulations
(3) Ligaments
(1) Planar Synovial Joint
(2) Bases of Metatarsal bones
(3) Articular Capsule (separate capsule exists for each joint, consists of Fibrous Capsule and Synovial Membrane), Dosral Intermetatarsal L, Plantar Intermetatarsal L, Interosseous Intermetatarsal L
Metatarsophalangeal Joint
(1) Joint Classification
(2) Bone Articulations
(3) Ligaments
(1) Condyloid Synovial Joint
(2) Heads of Metatarsals and Bases of Proximal Phalanges
(3) Articular Capsule (separate capsule exists for each joint, consists of Fibrous Capsule and Synovial Membrane), Medial Collateral L, Lateral Collateral L, Plantar Metatarsophalangeal L, Deep Transverse Metatarsal L
1st Interphalangeal Joint
(1) Joint Classification
(2) Bone Articulations
(3) Ligaments
(1) Ginglymus Synovial Joint
(2) Head of the proximal phalanx of the hallux and base of the distal phalanx of the hallux
(3) Articular Capsule (consists of Fibrous Capsule and Synovial Membrane), Medial Collateral L, Lateral Collateral L, Planter Interphalangeal L
Proximal Interphalangeal Joint (4 joints)
(1) Joint Classification
(2) Bone Articulations
(3) Ligaments
(1) Ginglymus Synovial Joint
(2) between the heads of the Proximal Phalanges and bases of the Intermediate Phalanges of the lateral 4 digits
(3) Articular Capsule (separate capsule exists for each joint, consists of Fibrous Capsule and Synovial Membrane), Medial Collateral L, Lateral Collateral L, Plantar Interphalangeal L
Distal Interphalangeal Joint (4 joints)
(1) Joint Classification
(2) Bone Articulations
(3) Ligaments
(1) Ginglymus Synovial Joint
(2) between heads of Intermediate Phalanges and bases of Distal Phalanges of the lateral 4 digits
(3) Articular Capsule (separate capsule exists for each joint, consists of Fibrous Capsule and Synovial Membrane), Medial Collateral L, Lateral Collateral L, Plantar Interphalangeal L
Movements of Acetabulofemoral Joint (Spheroidal Synovial Joint)
- Flexion and Extension of the Thigh
- Abduction and Adduction of the Thigh
- Circumduction of the Thigh
- Medial and Lateral Rotation of the Thigh
Movements of Tibiofemoral Joint (Planar Synovial Joint)
- Flexion and Extension of the Leg (gliding movement)
Movements of Talocrural Joint (Ginglymus Joint)
- Dorsiflexion and Plantarflexion
Movements of Talocalcaneal (Subtalar) Joint (Planar Synovial Joint)
- Inversion (plantar surface of foot medially) and Eversion (plantar surface of foot laterally)
Movements of Knee Joint (Ginglymyus Synovial Joint)
- Flexion and Extension of leg
Movements of Transverse Tarsal Joint
- Inversion (plantar surface of foot medially) and Eversion (plantar surface of foot laterally)
Movements of Metatarsophalangeal Joint (Condylar Synovial Joint)
- Flexion (inferiorly) and Extension (superiorly)
- Abduction and Adduction (mild)
Movements of Interphalangeal Joint (Ginglymus Synovial Joint)
- Flexion (inferiorly) and Extension (superiorly)
Superficial Fascia
- Continuous all the way around the thigh and into the buttocks
- At the knee, this fascia does not have any fat anymore and blends in with the Deep Fascia
Fascia Lata (Deep Fascia)
- Invests in the musculature to make for more efficient muscular contraction and compress veins to force venous blood superiorly
- Continuous with the Deep Fascia of the leg when inferior to the knee
- Attached to the inguinal L
- Also consists of Iliotibial Tract and Saphenous Opening (anterior opening in the fascia over the Femoral Triangle)
Intermuscular Septa
- Three bands that arise from the FAscia LAta and insert onto the Linea Aspera
- Compartmentalizes the thigh into Anterior, Posterior and Medial compartments
- Includes the Lateral Femoral Intermuscular Septum (separates Anterior from Posterior), the Medial Femoral Intermuscular Septum (separates Anterior from Medial), and the Posterior Femoral Intermuscular Septum (separates Medial from Posterior)
Subinguinal Space
- Divided into two passages by the Iliopectinal Arch (thickening of iliopsoas fascia, separates subinguinal space into a lateral muscular lacuna and a medial vascular lacuna)
- Muscular lacuna transmits the Iliopsoas and the Femoral N
- Vascular lacuna transmits the Femoral A and V, and lymph vessels; contains the Femoral sheath (medial compartment transmits lymphatics, intermediate compartment contains Femoral V, lateral compartment contains Femoral A), Femoral Canal, and Femoral Ring
Femoral Triangle
- Sub-fascial, muscular triangle bound by the Inguinal L, Sartorius M, and Adductor Longus M
- Contains the Femoral N, A and V
- Ends inferiorly by feeding into the Adductor Canal
Adductor Canal
- Sub-fascial, inter-muscular canal from the inferior apex of the Femoral Triangle to the Adductor Hiatus of the Adductor Magnus M
- Transmits the Femoral A and V, and Saphenous N
Popliteal Fossa
- Contains Superficial Fascia and Popliteal Fascia
- Superficial Fascia contains the Small Saphenous V, terminal branches of the Posterior Femoral Cutaneous N, and the Medial and Lateral Sural Cutaneous Ns
- Popliteal Fascia protects the neurovascular elements of the Popliteal fossa; it is continuous superiorly with the Fascia Lata and inferiorly with the Deep Fascia of the leg
Superficial Fossa of the Leg
- Made up of loose connective tissue and variable amounts of fat
Crural Fascia
- Deep fascia of the leg
- Attached to the anterior and medial borders of the Tibia
- Thins distally except where it forms the Fubular and Extensor Retinaculums
- Consists of Superior Fibular Retinaculum (runs from Distal Fibula to Calcaneus, found in lateral compartment of leg), Inferior Fibular Retinaculum (continuously medially with the Inferior Extensor Retinaculum, found in lateral compartment of leg), Superior Extensor Retinaculum (thickening of the distal Crural Fascia, found in anterior compartment of leg)
Intermuscular Septa
- Two binds that arise from Crural Fascia and insert on the Fibula
- With the Interosseous Membrane, it compartmentalizes the leg into anterior (extensor), lateral (everter), and posterior (flexor) compartments
- Septa of the leg: Anterior Intermuscilar Septum (separates anterior from lateral), Posterior Intermuscular Septum (separates lateral from posterior), Transverse Intermuscular Septum (continues inferiorly to form the Flexor Retinaculum of the leg, divides the posterior compartment into a superficial compartment and deep compartment)
Superficial Fascia of the Foot
- Extremely thin on the dorsum of the foot
- Very thick and fibrous on the plantar surface of the foot
- Fibrous septa divide the superficial fascia into fat-filled shock absorbing pads
Deep Fascia of the Foot
- Thin on the dorsum of the foot
- Thick on the plantar surface
- Consists of Dorsal Deep Fascia and Plantar Fascia
- Dorsal Deep Fascia continues medially and laterally with plantar fascia, continuous proximally with the Inferior Extensor Retinaculum
- Plantar Fascia consists of Lateral Plantar Fascia (covers lateral compartment), Medial Plantar Fascia (covers medial compartment), and Plantar Aponeurosis (extremely thick, covers the central compartment, proximally attached to calcaneus, distally continuous with the Fibrous Digital Sheaths)