LE-26 Missing Person Investigation Flashcards


Definition of Missing Person


means a person who has been reported by someone as missing because the person is concerned and believes the individual is:

(i) lost;

(ii) overdue to arrive at a specific place; or

(iii) despondent or suicidal and has left a place with no destination.

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Voluntary Missing Person


means a person who has voluntarily left home or a supervised environment for any reason including escaping or avoiding conflict, house rules or punishment.

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What are the duties of officers first on scene on a missing person


(a) Immediately commence the missing person investigation by:

(i) conducting an initial interview with the complainant;

(ii) completing parts 1-3 of YRP475 Missing Person Report;

(iii) updating the initial call information as early as possible; and

(iv) completing parts 4-10 of YRP475 Missing Person Report if appropriate.

(b) if the Missing Person is identified as a Project Lifesaver Participant, immediately advise the 911 Communications Centre and the responding Police Supervisor;

(c) direct the actions and response of subsequent officers based on the information that has been received;

(d) if an Urgent or Measured Response is indicated by the score from Part 1 of the Search Urgency Report (YRP475 Missing Person Report), ensure that the Police Supervisor is immediately advised;

(e) if a Moderate Response is indicated by the score, notify a Police Supervisor and CIB to confirm the appropriate response given the totality of the situation;

(f) if the missing person meets one or more of the High Risk Traveller (HRT) Indicators listed in Part 9 of the YRP475 Missing Person Report:

(i) notify a Police Supervisor that the missing person has met criteria for a High Risk Traveller; and

(ii) consult with a Supervisor of the district level Criminal Investigations Bureau as soon as practical.

(g) if the missing person meets one or more of the High Risk for Human Trafficking Indicators listed in Part 8 of the YRP475 Missing Person Report:

(i) ensure to flag the GO Report as a High-Risk Youth;

(ii) notify a Detective or Detective Sergeant of the Special Victims Unit by email; and

(iii) if there is any indication that the missing person is suspected as having involvement in the sex-trade industry, contact a Detective Sergeant or Detective in the Special Victims Unit by telephone as soon as practical.

(h) thoroughly search the home and immediate area and / or the immediate area around the Point Last Seen, including any outbuildings or vehicles in the immediate area;

(i) note the areas searched, including diagrams of areas and who searched specific areas;

(j) obtain the most accurate photograph of the missing person available;

(k) submit an initial MRE entry as early as practicable to allow other members to supplement the GO as the incident progresses. Consider contacting Information Management to ensure all updates are current and are added within a timely manner;

(l) attend or direct an assisting officer to attend the police district as early as possible to scan and email the photograph to the Information Management Supervisor who will ensure a Report Validator adds the photograph to the Missing Person’s Master Name Index. The Information Management Supervisor can be reached at extension 7935;

(m) notify Dispatch once the photograph is added to the Missing Person’s Master Name Index and is available for all officers to view by querying the Missing Person’s name and date of birth;

(n) if the missing person is believed to be within the Province of Ontario, issue a Zone Alert;

(o) complete a Media Release text page in Versadex;

(p) if the missing person has been found or returned, refer to Part H of this Procedure;

(q) if any documents have been created, scan them into the occurrence and provide the originals to the Lead Investigator; and

(r) notify dispatch to have Communications contact EMS and the Georgian Call Centre (1-705-737-3861) to determine if they have provided services to the missing party recently or if they provided services to anyone unknown (John DOE or Jane DOE) matching the description, or from an area in proximity to where the missing party was last seen or known to be.

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What are the duties for CIB in a Missing Person


(a) upon being notified of a missing person incident where an Urgent or Measured Response is appropriate shall:

(i) assign a lead investigator to the investigation;

(i) liaise with the Police Supervisor and the Duty Inspector or on call Senior Officer to determine if a consultation with a Search Manager will be undertaken;

(ii) refer to Appendix “A” Missing Person Investigation Checklist and undertake appropriate investigative actions;

(iii) corroborate the information received in the event that the reporting party becomes a suspect in the missing person investigation;

(iv) obtain all available information relating to the missing person from Versadex RMS, the Police Information Portal (PIP) and CPIC;

(v) where it is believed that the missing person may have sought refuge in a shelter for abused persons:

· attempt to ascertain if the person is at a shelter;

· attempt to ascertain if the person is known to the shelter and if the person is known to be safe;

· in the event a shelter is reluctant to provide information, liaise with the Intimate Partner Violence Unit; and

(vi) liaise with the appropriate volunteer and community agencies involved in locating missing people as appropriate to the circumstances;

(vii) if the person is a PIC or a Vulnerable Person refer to Procedure LE-013 Persons in Crisis and liaise with the person’s caregivers as appropriate;

(viii) liaise with the media in accordance with Procedure AI-317 Police Media Relations; and

(ix) prepare any circulars in accordance with Procedure LE-307 Police Circulars.

(b) upon being notified of a missing person incident where foul play is suspected shall:

(i) ensure that the RTOC has been informed of the incident and that foul play is suspected;

(ii) ensure an investigator attends the scene to assume responsibility for the investigation;

(iii) ensure that the Homicide Unit has been notified; and

(iv) conduct the investigation in compliance with the Ontario Major Case Management Manual and Procedure LE-006 Criminal Investigation Management Plan.

(c) Upon being notified of a missing person meets one or more of the High Risk Traveller (HRT) indicators listed in Part 9 of the YRP475 Missing Person Report:

(i) review the information reported to police and consider engaging a member of the Strategic Intelligence Unit as soon as practical; or

(ii) in all other circumstances, notify the Detective Sergeant of the Strategic Intelligence Unit by email.

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