LC Essential 6 Flashcards
fabula -ae f.
story, play, fable
facile adv.
facilis -is -e
easy, good natured
facinus, facinoris n.
deed, crime
facio, facere, feci, factum (3)
to make, do
factum -i n.
deed, fact
facultas, facultatis f.
fallo, fallere, fefelli, falsum (3)
to deceive
fama -ae f.
rumour, reputation
fames, famis f.
hunger, famine
familia -ae f.
household, family
fas n. indeclinable
right, (divine) law, command
fatigo, fatigare, fatigavi, fatigatum (1)
to tire
fatum -i n.
fate, destiny
faveo, favere, favi, fautum + dat. (2)
to favour, support
fax, facis f.
feliciter adv.
luckily, successfully, happily
felix, felicis m. f. n.
lucky, successful, happy
femina, -ae f.
fere adv.
almost, nearly
ferme adv.
nearly, about, almost
fero, ferre, tuli, latum
to bring, bear, carry
ferox -ocis m. f. n.
fierce, spirited, ferocious
ferreus -a -um
of iron
ferrum -i n.
iron, sword
ferus -a -um
fessus -a -um
festino, festinare, festinavi, festinatum (1)
to hurry, hasten
fidelis -is -e
faithful, loyal
fides, fidei f.
faithfulness, loyalty, faith, trustworthiness, promise