LC Essential Flashcards
a, ab + abl.
from by
ab tergo
from the rear, in the rear
abdo, abdere, abdidi, abditum
to hide
absum, abesse, afui or abfui + abl.
to be out, be absent, be away
ac (atque) conj.
accedo, accedere, accessi, accessum
to approach
accendo, accendere, accendi, accensum
to set on fire, to rouse
accido, accidere, accide
to happen
accipio, accipere, accepi, acceptum
to accept, take in, receive, welcome
accuso, accusare, accusavi, accusatum
to accuse
acer, acrcis, acre
keen, eager
acies, aciei f.
line of battle, gaze
acriter adv.
keenly, eagerly
ad +acc.
to, towards, at
addo, addere, addidi, additum
to add
adeo adv.
so much, so greatly, to such a degree
adeo, adire, adii or adivi, aditum
to approach, go up to
adfero (affero), adferre (afferre), attuli, allatum
to bring, carry, bring news
adiuvo, adiuvare, adiuvi, adiutum
to hep, assist
adsentior (=assentior), adsentiri, adsensus sum(4) + dat.
to agree with, assent to
adsto, adstare, adstiti (1)
to stand near, stand by
adsum, adesse, adfui
to be here, present, at hand
adulescens, adulescentis m. or f.
youth, young man, young girl
advenio, advenire, adveni, adventum
to arrive at
adventus -us m.
arrival, approach
adversus + acc.
opposite, against
adversus -a -um
opposite, hostile
aedes, aedis f.
home, temple, dwelling
aedificium -i n.
aedifico, aedifiicare, aedificavi, aedificatum (1)
to build
aeger, aegra, aegrum
aer, aeris, n.
aestas, aestatis f.
aetas, aetatis f.
age, life
age, agite
come on
ager, agri m
field, territory
agmen, agminis n.
column, procession
agnosco, agnoscere, agnovi, agnitum (3)
to recognise, understand
ago, agere, egi, actum (3)
to do, act, pass, spend time, drive, give (thanks)
agrestis, agreste, ait, aiunt
rustic, country, savage
ait, aiunt
he, she, it says, they say
ala -ae f.
wing, wing of an army
some, others
aliquando adv.
sometimes, formerly
aliquis, aliqua, aliquid
someone, something
alius, alia, aliud
other, another, else
alter, altera, alterum
the other, another, one of two, the one, a second
altus -a -um
high, deep
ambo, ambae, ambo
ambulo, ambulare, ambulavi, ambulatum
to walk
amica -ae f.
friend, girlfriend
amicitia -ae f.
amicus -i m.
amitto, -ere, amisi, amissum (3)
to lose
amo, amare, amavi, amatum (1)
to love
amor, amoris m.
amplius adv.
more, further
ancilla -ae f.
maidservant, slave
augustus -a -um
anima -ae f.
spirit, mind, life
animadverto, animadvertere, animadverti
to notice, realize
animadversum (3)
animus -i m.
spirit, soul, mind
annus -i m.
ante +acc.
before, in front of
antea adv.
before, formerly, previously