Law basics Flashcards
who sits in a magistrates court
3 magistrates 1 legal advisor
who sits in crown court
12 jury members, judge,
convicted, criminal
criminal term for guilty
acquitted, criminal
criminal term for non guilty
how is a civil case name ordered
claimant, defendant, date
how is a criminal case name ordered
R9rex/regina), defendant, date
two courts and purposes for criminal
Magistrates - less serious
Crown - more serious
two courts and purposes for civil
county - low value
high - high value
defendant, criminal and civil
the person against whom the case is brought
verdict, criminal and civil
the decision reached at the end of the case
Burden of proof, criminal and civil
the side with the task of proving the case
Standard of proof, criminal and civil
the level to which the case must be proven
offence, criminal
another word for crime
Charge, criminal
when the police formally accuse someone of a crime
Bail, criminal
when a suspect is released while awaiting trial
Remand in custody, criminal
when a suspect is detained in custody awaiting a court hearing/trial
sentence, criminal
punishment after someone is found guilty of a crime
Jury, criminal
the 12 people who decide the verdict in crown court
Prosecution, criminal
the people who take a criminal case to court
Crown prosecution service, criminal
the organisation in charge of bring criminal cases to court
Magistrates, criminal
the decision makers (verdict, sentence) in magistrates court
Judge, criminal
the person who advises the jury on the law and decides the sentence in the crown court
Claimant, civil
name of the person bringing a civil case to court
Sue, civil
to take a person to court
Damages, civil
another word for compensation, what claimant receives if they win
Judge, civil
person who decides the verdict and amount of damages
Actus Reus
the physical act of a crime
3 things Actus reus is split into
State of affairs
in order to be liable/ prosecuted it has to be a voluntary act
What is a voluntary act
‘an act which is done by the muscles with control by the mind, such as blinking, spasm, seizure etc’