Latter Prophets (using notes) Flashcards
What is the message of the book of Nahum?
- God cares for his own - will stick up for justice and righteousness (on his timing)
- God judges sin - consequences for being inhumane
How is the book of Jeremiah structured?
Four sections:
- 1st person oracles and prose
- 3rd person prose (includes book of consolation)
- Oracles against the nations
- Appendix of God fulfilling his word
- Not chronological order, events of 605 referred to multiple times
What is the message of the book of Obadiah?
- Judgment - God enforces justices (we’re responsible for our own actions)
- God demands righteousness
- Restoration - covenant, connection, relationship
Summarize the book of Micah.
- Consequences of sin: losing the land
- Poor human leadership
- Inability of the people to make things right
- God will grant forgiveness and will gather a remnant back
Which book is in response to the Edomites helping the Babylonians when they destroyed Jerusalem?
Who was the last chronological prophet?
Give a summary of the book of Obadiah.
- Edom specifically will be punished
- All nations will be judged (including Judah), but God will be a king of the exiles who will return
Who was Hosea’s audience?
Israel (northern kingdom)
Who was Micah’s audience?
Jerusalem (Judah), especially king Hezekiah
What are the contributions of Isaiah to theology?
- Alludes to the richness of depth of God, many different names for God
- Many pictures of the coming Messiah: Emmanuel born from a virgin, suffering servant, anointed one
Which prophet was a former shepherd and fig nipper?
Which prophet was the chief interpreter of the faith crisis after the fall of Jerusalem?
Which prophet was taken into exile as a child and served Nebuchadnezzar?
Why did Ezekiel prophesy and act in ways that seem strange?
- Time of people being jaded and disbelieving
- Needed to get a cynical audience’s attention
- Attracts attention, easy to understand and remember
To whom did Amos address his prophesy?
To the Israelites (northern kingdom) at Bethel
Name the major prophets.
Summarize the book of Isaiah.
- Human attempts at self-sufficiency lead to God’s judgment
- Turning to God leads to salvation and comfort
- Messiah coming
- Calls people to righteousness and justice, to imitate God
What is the message of the book of Zechariah?
- God’s kingdom will triumph even though there is spiritual evil forces
- God will come again and establish a kingdom of righteousness and peace
- Be faithful - obey and don’t give up
What is the message of the book of Jonah?
- God’s compassion
- God’s heart for the nations
- Basis for mission
What is the message of the book of Zephaniah?
- Day of the Lord, aimed at all but especially at Judah
Which is the first of the twelve minor prophets?
Summarize the book of Zephaniah.
- On the coming day of the Lord, the surrounding nations and Jerusalem would be severely punished for its sins against God
- However, God would restore a remnant
Which prophet focused on describing how a plague of locusts illustrates how God uses discipline in our lives?
What is the significance of the ministries of Ezra and Nehemiah?
- People had become jaded spiritually (hence Malachi)
- Ezra returns with the law - worship and the knowledge of the law
- Nehemiah helped rebuild the walls so people could stop worrying about safety
- After wall complete, bring a revival to the people
- People learning again how to do God’s will