Historical Summaries Flashcards
Summarize the 7th century (600s) for Judah.
- Begins still under Hezekiah, who had instituted religious reforms
- Successor Manasseh reinstitutes paganism
- Midway through Josiah, find the book of the law and institute reforms
- 630 - Josiah rebels from Assyria, brief freedom
- 609 - Josiah killed as Egyptians march northward, Judah becomes Egyptian vassal
- 605 - Brief freedom after Babylonians win Battle of Carchemish, then Babylonian vassal
- Rebel and are conquered twice
- 597 - Jehoiachin (Davidic line) taken into exile after second rebellion
- 587 - Second rebellion, Jerusalem and temple destroyed
Summarize the period of the exile.
- Separated: some exiles taken to Babylon, poorest left to farm land in Palestine, and some fled to Egypt
- Questions about whether the faith had ended (no more temple)
- Prophets Ezekiel, Daniel, and Obadiah provide hope about a remnant returning to the city
- Babylon falls to Cyrus the Persian under Nebuchadnezzar’s successor (Nabonidus left to the desert, left Belshazzar in charge)
Summarize the period of the united monarchy in Israel.
- Saul anointed as king by Samuel but poor spiritual leader
- 1011 - Saul dies and David becomes king
- David conquers Jerusalem and surrounding area and establishes capital, brings back the ark
- David’s son Absalom rebels and is defeated
- 971 - David dies, Solomon becomes king
- Empire at its greatest; Solomon builds the temple and the palace in Jerusalem
- 930 - Solomon dies and the kingdom falls
Summarize the 9th century BC (930-800) for Israel.
- Begins with Jeroboam I as king at 930, who sets up an administration and army, shrines at Bethel and Dan
- Egypt invades and captures a lot of land
- Fighting with Judah over border
- Fighting with Aram Damascus over trade routes
- Ahab allies with Aram Damascus temporarily to meet threat of Assyria pushing southward
- Ahab and Jezebel particularly evil rulers, institutionalized paganism
- Eventually have to pay tribute to Assyria by the end of the century
Summarize the 8th century (700s) for Israel.
- First half: increasing prosperity under Jeroboam II, increased dominance in the area
- Second half: increasing instability with assassinations of kings
- Sieges Jerusalem with Aram Damascus to try to depose Ahaz (against Assyria)
- 732 - Loses to Assyria under Tiglath-pileser III and becomes a vassal, Hoshea installed as puppet king
- Hoshea revolts after Tilglath-Pileser III dies and Assyria comes back, Samaria falls in 722
Summarize the 8th century (700s) for Judah.
- First half: increasing prosperity, increased dominance in the area
- Ahaz refuses to join coalition with Aram Damascus against Assyria; gets sieged by coalition
- Asks Assyria (Tiglath-pileser III) for help
- Judah becomes a vassal of Assyria
- Hezekiah begins religious reform (act of rebellion against Assyria)
- 701 Sennacherib invades but fails to capture Jerusalem when God destroys his armies
- Become Assyrian vassal
Summarize the post-exilic period.
- Cyrus issues a decree that can return to Jerusalem in 539
- Sheshbazzar leads the first group back and begins work on the temple that is abandoned
- Zerubabbel leads second group and completes the temple (becomes governor)
- Haggai and Zechariah sent to encourage the people to complete it
- Persia expands until hitting defeat in Greece
- 458 - Atraxerxes allows Ezra, who strengthens the faith, and others back
- 446 - Then also allows Nehemiah to go back and complete Jerusalem’s wall
- Leads into a revival
Summarize the 9th century BC (930-800) for Judah.
- Begins with Solomon’s son Rehoboam as king at 930
- Fighting with Israel over border
- Egypt invades and captures a lot of land
- Has relatively stable dynastic monarchy, but faith of the kings oscillated
- Jehoshaphat instituted religious forms and strengthened the military stance
- His son’s wife almost wiped out Davidic line
- Joash survived and instituted religious reforms but didn’t take a strong stand against paganism