Latter Prophets (Messages Only) Flashcards
What is the message of the book of Nahum?
- God cares for his own - will stick up for justice and righteousness (on his timing)
- God judges sin - consequences for being inhumane
What is the message of the book of Obadiah?
- Judgment - God enforces justices (we’re responsible for our own actions)
- God demands righteousness
- Restoration - covenant, connection, relationship
What is the message of the book of Zechariah?
- God’s kingdom will triumph even though there is spiritual evil forces
- God will come again and establish a kingdom of righteousness and peace
- Be faithful - obey and don’t give up
What is the message of the book of Jonah?
- God’s compassion
- God’s heart for the nations
- Basis for mission
What is the message of the book of Zephaniah?
- Day of the Lord, aimed at all but especially at Judah
What is the message of the book of Micah?
- God puts things back together and will restore where we broke everything with our sin
- Focuses on the grace of God’s forgiveness
What is the message of the book of Haggai?
- Priorities - putting God first (when they were putting time and money into their homes)
- God rewards us for putting him first and protects his people’s leaders
What is the message of the book of Jeremiah?
- Confidence in God’s sovereignty over all history
- Jeremiah as example of personal faith during crisis
- God will bring a new covenant
What is the message of the book of Daniel?
- Should always trust God, he protects his own
- Kingdom of God will hold victory over all earthly kingdoms
- Apocalyptic prophesy - God will triumph over all tribulations
- Son of Man and Messiah
What is the message of the book of Ezekiel?
- Visions of God and the glory and presence of God
- New covenant with no idols
- End times
- More information about the Davidic king in the Messiah
What is the message of the book of Amos?
- About covenant - God is faithful and calls us
- Responsibility for proper worship
- Hope for mercy and compassion if repentant
What is the message of the book of Isaiah?
- Richness of God
- Call to righteousness and justice to imitate God’s complete holiness
- Messages about the Messiah to come
What is the message of the book of Hosea?
- Need to respond personally to God’s gracious love
- Consequences for rejecting God
- However, God stays with the covenant and his love is faithful
- God’s love > sin and inconsistency
What is the message of the book of Habakkuk?
- Faith and doubt
- God faithful to those faithful to him, righteous survive
- God can be perplexing - keep seeking God and he will respond and grow closer
What is the message of the book of Malachi?
- God loves and has chosen his people
- God will send a predecessor to the Messiah to prepare the way
What is the message of the book of Amos?
- Covenant - God faithful to relationship and calls us
- Responsibility to worship appropriately
- Hope for mercy and compassion if repent