Latin Terms Flashcards
Per se
By itself
Without referring to anything else, taken without qualifications
Et al
And others
More than 3 authors
E.g. exempli gratia
For example
I.e. id est
That is
Ipso facto
By the fact itself
Prima facia
At first sight
Evidence that is suggestive not conclusive
Caveat emptor
Let the buyer beware
Caveat lector
Let the reader beware
A priori
From the former
Ad infinitum
To infinity
Ad nauseum
To the point of nausea
Too much repetition
Bona fide
In good faith
De facto
Way things are rather than what is
Approximately or about
Et cetera
And the rest or so on
Mea culpa
My fault or my bad
Per annum
By through by means of
Per diem
By day
Per capita
Per head or per person
Persona non grata
Person not pleasing
Post mortem
After the death
Pro bono
For the public good
Quid pro quo
This for that
This or just so
Some qua non
Without which not
Status quo
The situation in which
Terra firma
Solid land
Word for word
Ad hoc
To this or for this