Latin Suffixes Flashcards
-ane, -ine
Latin suffix.
Noun-forming suffix.
– as in methane, canine.
“meth-“ => wine
“can-“ => dog
Latin suffix
Noun-forming suffix.
– as in nitrite.
“nitr-“ => natron (salt, specifically from dried lake beds)
Latin suffix
Noun-forming suffix.
– as in fragment.
“frag-“ => break
This suffix forms nouns from verbs and also forms nouns from adjectives.
Latin suffix
Noun-forming suffix.
– as in glucose.
“gluc-“ => sugar
Latin suffix
Noun-forming suffix. -- as in picture. "pict-" => paint This suffix is used for nouns of action (seizure, agriculture); but also for collective nouns (nature).
-acy, -acity-, -y
Latin suffix
Abstract function, -- as in fallacy, tenacity, custody. "fall-" => deceive "ten-" => hold fast "custod-" => guard
Latin suffix
Abstract function,
– as in removal.
“remov-“ => set aside, take away
-ance, -ancy, -ence, -ency
Latin suffix
Abstract function, -- as in repentance, hesitancy, dependence, fluency. "repent-" => regret "hesit-" => stick fast, hesitate "depend-" => hang from "flu-" => flow
-ation, -ion, -tion
Latin suffix
Abstract function, -- as in declaration, union, eruption. "declar-" => explain, reveal "un-" => one "erup-" => burst forth
-ety, -ity, -ty
Latin suffix
Abstract function, -- as in variety, humility, novelty. "vari-" => various "humil-" => low, humble "novel-" => new
Latin suffix
Abstract function,
– as in malice.
“mal-“ => bad
Latin suffix
Abstract function,
– as in missile.
“miss-“ => throw, send
Latin suffix
Abstract function,
– as in solitude.
“sol-“ => alone
Latin suffix
Abstract function,
– as in adhesive.
“adhes-“ => stick to
Latin suffix
Abstract function,
– as in matrimony.
“matri-“ => mother, matron (matrimony turns maidens into matrons)
Latin suffix
Abstract function,
– as in valor.
“val-“ => strong
-ain, -an
Latin suffix
Agent function,
– as in captain, veteran.
“capt-“ => head
“veter-“ => old
-and, -end
Latin suffix
Agent function,
– as in graduand, reverend.
“gradu-“ => step, degree
“rever-“ => respect