Latin Prefixes Flashcards
ab-, a-, abs-
Latin Prefix
“away”, “from”,
Abject – “ject-“ => throw: cast down.
Avert – “vert-“ => turn: turn away.
Abstract – “tract-“ => drag: drag away (from a concrete instance).
ad-, a-, ac-, af-, ag-, al-, an-, ap-, ar-, as-, at-
Latin Prefix
“to”, “toward”,
Admit – “-mit” => send: give entrance, send towards.
Aspire – “spir-“ => breathe: seek a goal, “breathe for it”.
Accept – “cept-“ => take: to take (something offered) willingly.
Affix – “fix-“ => fix, fasten: fix or fasten one object to another.
Aggregate – “greg-“ => flock: gather (flock) to a mass or whole.
Allocate – “loc-“ => place: put (place) towards a specific purpose.
Announce – “nounc-“ => report: report to others, make known publicly.
Apprehend – “prehend-“ => seize: seize.
Arrogant – “rog-“ => ask: exposed to exaggerate one’s own worth (entitled to ask for a great deal).
Assent – “sent-“ => feel: agree to something after thoughtful consideration (feeling to agree).
Attract – “tract-“ => drag: drag towards.
Latin Prefix
“both”, “on both sides”,
Ambidextrous – “dextr-“ => right(-handed): using both hands with equal ease (right-handed on both sides).
Latin Prefix
Antecedent – “ced-“ => go: a preceding event, condition, or cause (goes before).
Latin Prefix
“around”, “about”,
Circumnavigate – “navig-“ => sail: to go (completely) around, especially by water.
com-, co-, col-, con-, cor-,
Latin Prefix
"with", "together", "thoroughly", Compare -- "par-" => equal: Co-opt -- "opt-" => choose: Colloquium -- "loq-" => speak: Conscious -- "sci-" => know: Corrupt -- "rupt-" => break into pieces:
Latin Prefix
Contradict – “dict-“ => say:
counter- is also derived from contra- and indicates opposition, opposite direction, and other ideas.
Latin Prefix
“down”, “away from”,
Dejected – “ject-“ => throw:
dis-, di-, dif-
Latin Prefix
“apart”, “not”,
Discern – “cern-“ => separate:
Digest – “gest-“ => carry:
Different – “fer-“ => carry:
equi-, equa-
Latin Prefix
“equal”, “away from”,
Equivalent – “val-“ => strong:
Equanimity – “anim-“ => mind:
ex-, e-, ef-,
Latin Prefix
“out of”, “from”,
Expose – “pos-“ => place:
Eject – “ject-“ => throw:
Effluent – “flu-“ => flow:
Latin Prefix
“outside”, “beyond”,
Extramural – “mur-“ => wall:
in-, il-, im-, ir-
Latin Prefix
"in", "into", "on", Inject -- "ject-" => throw: Illuminate -- "lumin-" => light: Immigrate -- "migr-" => depart: Irrigate -- "rig-" => water, moisten:
the same prefixes are also used to mean “not” and “without”.
in-, il-, im-, ir-
Latin Prefix
"not", "without", Inactive -- "act-" => do, act: Illegal -- "leg-" => law: Immediate -- "med-" => middle: Irresistible -- "resist-" => stand back:
for “not” and “without”, in- is generally used for Latin-derived words while un- is used for other English words (compare Latinate “infelicitous” and English “unhappy”).
the same prefixes are also used to mean “in”, “into”, and “on”.
Latin Prefix
Infrastructure – “struct-“ => build: