Latin Expressions Flashcards
corpus christi
- campus / el campus
- Body of Christ / Cuerpo de Cristo
curriculum vitae
curriculum / el currículum vitae, currículum
de incognito
incognito, secretly / el incógnito, a escondiadas
opposite of excess / sobra
i, ego, egocentric / yo, ego, egotista
et cetera
- means and other things / et = y, otras cosas
- et cetera / used at the end of a list to indicate that further, similar items are included
grosso modo
generally, roughly, approximately / en general
homo sapiens
the modern man / el hombre moderno
in extremis
last minute / el último minuto
in situ
situation, situated / situación, situado
in ablis
in white / en blanco
in vitro
made of glass / hecho de vidrio
ipso facto
now / ahora, ya
lapse / el lapsus
persona non grata
unpleasant / desagradable
pater familias
head of the family / father of the family
jefe de familia / padre de familia
numerus clausus
infinity / el infinito
totum revolutum
mixed / mezclado
locus amoenus
paradise / el paraíso
plus / el más
podio / podium
what / que / the beginning of a question
important / importante
each one, each person / cada persona, todo el mundo
the minimum number of attendees necessary to make something, such as a meeting, valid
número de asistentes necesarios
consultation, inquiry (usually when a question or questions is asked to eligible electors who all must vote either ‘yes’ or ‘no’)
rest in peace
descansa en paz
rigor mortis
the stiffened stage of death, in which a body is very stiff and unmovable
rigidez cadavérica
tempus fugit
time flies
el tiempo vuela
ultimatum / ultimátum, ultimo avisó
vade retro
step back (stay back, Satan)
used to reject someone or something that produces horror or is a temptation
veni, vidi, vici
i came, i saw, i conquered
yo vine, yo vi, yo conquisté
vice versa
viceversa, al revés
virus, venom
vox populi
voice/vote of the people / voz/vota del pueblo
excess, opposite of deficit / el exceso
a priori
before the experience
a posteriori
after the experience
alter ego
another self / el alter ego
urbi et orbi
city and the world / para la ciudad y el mundo
sine die
without a date, indefinitely
sin fecha, indefinidamente
ex profeso
expressly, specifically
expresamente, especificamente
in flagrante
wrongdoing, misconduct
irregularidades, mala conducta
sine qua non
without which, not
chaos / el caos
inter nos
between us / entre nosotros
per capita
for each person / por cabeza
sui generis
of its/their own kind / la su manera
motu proprio
“of own impulse” or initiative / la iniciativa
stricto sensu
in a strict sense / en el censo estricto
sub iudice
‘subject to trial’ or ‘under the decision of a judge’ for pending issue
‘sujeto a juicio’ o ‘bajo la decisión de un juez
any name/identity used in place of the actual one
el alias