Latin Flashcards
according to legend, kings ruled Rome from ____ to _____
753 BCE to 509 BCE
united Romans and Sabines by capturing their women to be their wives
Numa Pompilius
created religious institutions
Tullus Hostilius
fought Albans, had Curiatii fight Horatii - Rome won
Ancus Marcius
built: a seaport, bridge, new city walls, prison
Tarquinius Priscus
encouraged to seek kingship, but got murdered by sons of Ancus Marcius
Servius Tullius
created census, got murdered by daughter and husband
Tarquinius Superbus
built cloaca maxima, and other things, son raped Lucretia
model roman citizen farmer
appointed dictator in 458 BCE- romans were facing military crisis
got the enemy to surrender, under his command
after resolving the crisis in 2 weeks went back to being a farmer
Horatius Cocles
when Lars Porsenna (Etruscan king) was going to attack rome, Horatius crossed over Pons Suplicius to side of Tiber where Etruscans were
after ordering Romans to destroy bridge, held back Etruscans w shield
swam back to rome safely across Tiber
Lars Porsenna
king of Clusium in Eturia
was in Horatius, Mucius, and Cloelia stories
astonished by bravery of romans he: held back by Horatius, freed a would be assasin Mucius, and released a run away hostage Cloelia
firm loyalty and devotion to ones country, gods, and family
Horatius, Mucius, Cloelia, Cincinnatius embodied this virtue
Porsenna- frightened that others like Mucius would try and kill him, withdrew troops in exchange for hostages
Cloelia- one of the hostages
led a group of girls to escape (swam across Tiber)
Porsenna- struck by bravery of Cloelia let her take other hostages back to be freed
In forum, romans built statue of girl on horseback
Pons Suplicius
Bridge built by Ancus Marcius
Access route into rome
Demolished by romans- so etruscans could not pass - after Horatius held off etruscans on other side
Mucius Scaevola
Etruscans decided to take over rome by besieging it
Mucius- roman noble, tried to kill king Lars Posenna, but killed the scribe instead
After he was caught was going to be burned, but Mucius put his right hand voluntarily into fire
Porsenna inpressed, let him go free
Scaevola means lefty