History Flashcards
system of government in which (some) officials are chosen by the people
“thing of the people”
would prevent any individual from gaining too much power
republic structure
300 members (patricians)
senators made the law, chose 2 consuls from patrician class to serve 1 term
dictator (in event of crisis) 6 month limit, absolute power
12 tables
laws of Rome
available to everyone in Rome (posted in forum)
wealthy, landholding member of the upperclass
job was to supervise business of gov., command armies, 1 term, consult with senate
ruler who has complete control of government
only 6 months
member of the lower class eg. farmers, merchants, artisans, traders
official who was elected by the plebeians to protect their interests
power to block a government action
role of roman man
head of house hold
absolute power in family
role of roman woman
housework, own businesses, under control of man
more freedom than Greek woman
basic unit of roman army, made up of about 5000 citizen-soldiers- fought without pay, supplied their own weapons
commanders mixed rewards with punishment- showed courage, got praise/rewards, unit fled battle 1/10 men got killed
treatment of conquered lands
conquered people had to; acknowledge roman leadership, pay taxes, supply soldiers - if they did this got to keep own customs, money, local government
northern coast of Africa
Rome wanted to defeat them; standing in the way of expansion to the west
Hannibal’s tactics
went to the North of Rome instead of south,with war elephants (a lot) was a sneak attack
outcome of Punic Wars
after Rome destroyed Carthage, survivors–>slavery or killed, poured salt all over land so nothing could grow, masters of Mediterranean World
Rome conquered lands bc….
committed to imperialism (establishing control over foreign lands/people)
land outside of Rome that was controlled by the Roman government
had many across Mediterranean, called it Mare Nostrum (our sea)
increase of wealth
conquests brought wealth in, new class of wealthy Romans emerged, built latifudia, had many slaves working on it ---> produced more than farmers- put them out of work, grain supply up, price down farmers fled to Rome- gap between rich and poor widened, angry mobs uprose
attempts at reform
Gracchus Brothers- distribute land to poor farmers, public funds–>grain to feed poor
(killed in street violence, planned by senate)
civil wars
who should hold power- senate, or popular political leaders
sparked slave revolts, old legions–> professional armies
Julius Caesar
military commander, many conquests, defeated friend Pompey, forced Rome to make him dictator
reforms: public works- give the jobless, jobs, public land to poor, citizenship to more people, Julian calendar
death caused more civil wars
grand nephew of Caesar "exalted one" didn't call himself king achievements: civil service to enforce laws- didn't matter your class, census, postal service, new coins, jobless to work WHO WOULD RULE AFTER HE DIED?
Other Religions under roman rule
Allowed to practice theirs, as long as recognize roman deities
Basic ideas of Judaism
Everyone equal
Covenant with god
Personal morality, social justice
Savior sent by God
A binding agreement
Believing in one god
spiritual leaders who interpreted God’s will, spread the word of their religion
Jewish community with Jesus
is he the messiah?
10 commandments
preached obedience to laws of Moses
Jesus’ teachings were attractive bc…..
Welcomed all people
taught need for justice, morality, service to others
Jesus’ death
Crucified on the cross
Romans thought he was a revolutionary lead Jews in rebellion
The apostles
12 of Jesus’ closest followers
a leader or teacher of a faith or movement
chief apostle devoted life to spread teachings of Jesus became a missionary first bishop crucified upside down
most important apostle
spread Jesus’ teaching to Jews and non-Jews too
set up churches all over Rome and Mesopotamia
promised if you believed achieve eternal life
Why did Romans persecute church/ why did it end
thought Christians were doing evil things when they met in secrecy
refused to make sacrifices–>disloyal
Women in early Christianity
Didn’t have many rights
Spread the message
Decline of Roman Empire
Germanic invasions
Paid/hired army
Social- Self serving upperclass Loss of values Bread+circuses Slave labor
Population declined
Heavy taxes
Oppressive government
Corrupt officials
Divided empire
Early Christian communities
Jesus message- spread spiritual salvation and eternal life to anyone who believed it ..
needed to be baptized
the Eucharist .
Hagia Sofia
Church built by Justinian
Largest religious building by its day
Was a mosque
Now a museum
response to Western Roman empire collapsing
what has Rome come to?
no hope
Byzantine Empire
a lot of trade, busy harbor
“new Rome”
extended Byzantine power by recovering ancient lands
Justinians code- collection of laws passed by assemblies/emperors revising the old ones
was an autocrat- sole ruler with complete authority
power over the church
wife- Theodora
King Clovis
king of Franks
conquered former Roman province Gaul
ruled by Frankish custom did not preserve Roman legacy
converted to Christianity
Charles Martel/The Battle of Tours
stopped Islam from spreading to Europe
a sign that God was on their side- when they won
how did the Franks settle legal disputes
judgement of the glowing iron- have to carry a scalding hot iron nine feet
if you don’t have injuries- innocent, praise God
if you have injuries- wait 3 days see if the iron has blood on it- if does guilty
Charlemagne’s empire
worked closely with church control over many lands nobles rule regions missi dominici manage nobles Set up schools
missi dominici
officials who managed provincial rulers
Charlemagne with the pope
relationship with the pope was good
pope crowned him
unified Christian community
Charlemagne conquered…
Saxons Slavs Muslims Lombards Avars Wanted reunite the Roman Empire
Charlemagne’s schools
thought it was necessary for officials to keep records/write clear reports
Alcuin of York created curriculum for Charlemagne’s schools
curriculum- grammar, rhetoric, logic, arithmetic, geometry, music, astronomy
Schools in all monasteries
Charlemagne’s death
empire fell apart after
power battle for 30 years
Treaty of Verdun- split up empire to 3 parts, for each grandson
Vikings motives
over population
climate change
Vikings success
burned cities
no mercy
boats sailed easily, not a lot of work
Skilled warriors
Vikings persona
ruthless- liked to destory
sophisticated- educated, boats
Viking culture
polytheistic- pantheon of gods
sagas, written language
Alphabet they took from the Greeks
long narrative poems
feudal system
loosely organized system of gov. which local lords governed own lands, but owed military service, and support to a greater lord
lord who was granted land in exchange for service and loyalty to a greater lord
feudal contract
exchange of pledges between lords and vassals
estate granted by a lord to a vassal in exchange for service and loyalty
Peace of God/Truce of God
Peace of God- attempt to enforce protection of the church
Truce of God- days of year violence was not allowed
mutual obligations for feudalism
got land if they provided military, got military if they provided land
duties of noblewomen
supervise vassals, manage household, agricultural/medical tasks, might have to go to war
rights of noblewomen
could own land, part of dowry
Eleanor of Aquitaine
inherited lands in southwest France, through marriages became Queen of France, Queen of England
required knights to be brave, loyal, true to word
fight fairly
women cherished/protected
ONLY with nobles
manor system
nobles would promise peasants protection and land if they worked for them, provided food, gave a little money
mutual obligations for manor system
get land/protection if you work, you get people working for you if you give land/protection
how were manors self-sufficient
peasants didn’t need much, manors already had a lot
lives of peasants
hardship, worked all day, small meals, harsh environments
Battle of Hastings
Duke William and Norman knights against Harold
they won - King of England
From France to England
Normans with England
conquered them bc. had support of Pope
Domesday Book
census that took count of everyone/everything in kingdom- less thievery, fraud
William knows what people have eg. Taxes
Henry II
created legal system by establishing customs that were also laws
Common law- a legal system based on custom and court ruling
common law
system of law that is the same for all people, based on court decisions that have become accepted legal principles
Thomas Becket
close friend of Henry, archbishop of Canterbury
disagreed with him abt. trying clergy in royal courts
murdered by John’s people
King John’s conflict with the church
who would be new archbishop
pope put him under interdict for disagreeing
—> England fief, yearly tax to Rome
King John’s conflict with nobles
Took advantage of them
they made Magna Carta and made him sign
common people join w/ lords and clergy to approve things
why is Jerusalem sacred to Muslims, Jews, and Christians
Muslims have- dome of the rock
Christians have- holy sepulcher church
Jews have- old cities western wall
Pope Urban motivating nobles and bishops
fight for religion
people have invaded the holy land
killing people
“gods will”
People joined the Crusades bc….
adventure wealth people were dying wouldn't have to pay debts protect holy land protect god heaven no sins
goals for the Pope through Crusades
increase power in Europe
heal the split between Roman and Byzantine churches
Christian knights fight Muslims instead of eachother
Crusades length, Christians record
200 years - on and off
Christians won first one, captured Jerusalem
Crusades ending
last Christian outpost was captured
Crusades economic effect
increased trade
increased travel
Europe–> rich
more people came
Crusades church/monarch effect
people turned against religions
more power to monarchs
increased papal power
split w Byzantine empire was not healed
Why was Marco Polo’s adventures important
led Europeans back to trading w China again
what did Marco Polo see
government run mail service