Latin Flashcards
civis civis c.
gloria ae f.
denotes a neutral question
a ab
abl from away from
abdo abdere abdidi abditus
remove put away set aside depart hide keep secret conceal
abeo abire abii abitum
go away leave
abnueo abnuere V (2nd)
refuse decline; deny (guilt); refuse by a sign shake head; reject; rule out
aboleo abolere abolevi abolitus V (2nd) TRANS
destroy efface obliterate; kill; banish dispel; put end to. abolish rescind
abrogo abrogare abrogavi abrogatus
abolish repeal take away
abscedo abscedere abscessi abscessus
withdraw depart retire
absentia ae f.
abstinence fasting moderation control integrity
absterreo absterrere absterrui absterritus V (2nd) TRANS
frighten off/away; drive away; deter discourage; keep away/withhold from den
absterreo absterrere absterrui absterritus V (2nd) TRANS
frighten off/away; drive away; deter discourage; keep away/withhold from den
abstraho absrahere abstraxi abstractus
drag away from remove forcibly split abort
absum abesse afui afuturus
be away be absent
abundo abundare abundavi abundatus V (1st)
abound (in) have in large measure; overdo exceed; overflow; be rich/numerous
abundo abundare abundavi abundatus V (1st)
abound (in) have in large measure; overdo exceed; overflow; be rich/numerous
abutor abuti abusus sum V (3rd) DEP
waste squander; abuse; misuse; use up; spend; exhaust; misapply (word); curse
accedo accedere accessi accesus
come near approach agree with
accerso accersere accersivi accersitus
send for summon fetch
accido accidere accidi
accipio accipere accepi acceptus
receive perceive learn suffer
acclivitas acclivitatis
slope ascent upward inclination steepness
accubo accubare accubui accubitus
lie near ore by recline at a table
acer acris acre
sharp fierce
acies aciei f.
line of battle front line
acroama acroamatis
entertainment at dinner/table
actuarius actuaria actuarium
swift nimble life; of/serving to mark a cattle path
acc to toward at near
adcommodatio adcommodationis
adjustment fiting
adcommodo are
adapt adjust to suit devote to
adduco adducere adduxi adductus
lead up bring to persuade
adduco adducere adduxi adductus V (3rd) TRANS
lead up/to/away; bring up/to; persuade induce; lead bring; contract tighten
to such a degree
exactly precisely thus far
adeo adire adii aditum
go toward
adequito adequitare adequitavi adequitatus
ride up to/ towards/ near gallop up
adfinitas adfinitatis
relationship bond union
adfligo adfligere adflixi adflectus
overthrow afflict crush damage ruin
adgnosco adgnoscere adgnovi adgnitus V (3rd)
recognize realize discern; acknowledge claim admit to/responsibility
adicio adicere adjeci adjectus V (3rd) TRANS
add increase raise; add to (DAT/ad ACC); suggest; hurl (weapon); throw to/at
adigo adigere adegi adactus
drive in force impel cast hurl consign bind
adimo adimere ademi ademptus
withdraw take away carry off castrate deprive steal seize annul rescue
adimo adimere ademi ademptus
withdraw take away carry off castrate deprive steal seize annul rescue
adimo adimere ademi ademptus V (3rd) TRANS
withdraw take away carry off; castrate; deprive steal seize; annul; rescue
adimo adimere ademi ademptus V (3rd) TRANS
withdraw take away carry off; castrate; deprive steal seize; annul; rescue
adimo adimere ademi ademptus V (3rd) TRANS
withdraw take away carry off; castrate; deprive steal seize; annul; rescue
adipiscor adipisi adeptus sum
gain secure win arrive at
adiumentem adiumenti
help support aid
adjicio adjicere adjeci adjectus
add increase raise suggest hurl
adjutor adjutoris
assistant deputy supporter
adlego adlegere adlegi adlectus V (3rd) TRANS
choose admit elect recruit select appoint
admisceo admiscere admiscui admixtus V (2nd) TRANS
mix mix together; involve; add an ingredient to; contaminate; confuse mix up
admitto admittere admisi admissus V (3rd) TRANS
urge on put to a gallop; let in admit receive; grant permit let go
very exceedingly
admoveo admovere admovi admotus V (2nd) TRANS
move up bring up/near; lean on conduct; draw near approach; apply add
adorior adoriri adortus sum
assail accost rise against influence
adrogantia adrogantiae
insolence arrogance
adsecla adseclae
follower attendant
adsector adsectari adsectatus sum V (1st) DEP
accompany attend escort; support be an adherent follow; court (fame)
adsensio adsensionis
assent agreement belief approval
adsero adserere adserui adsertus V (3rd) TRANS
lay hands on grasp; assert allege; free release; claim; protect preserve
adseveratio adseverationis
affirmation assertation
adsiduitas adsiduitatis
attendance care repitition
adsuefacio adsuefacere adsuefeci adsuefactus
accustom to habituate inure make accustomed/used to train
adsum adesse adfui adfuturus
be at be present
advento adventare adventavi adventatus
approach come near arrive
adventus us m.
arrival approach
adversus a um
unfavorable opposed dat
aeatus aerata aeratum
covered with bronze
aedifico aedificare aedificavi aedificatus
temple shrine house
aegre aegrius aegerrime
scarcely with difficulty painfully hardly
aegritudo aegridudinis
sickness disgrace grief worry
aemulatio aemulationis
rivalry ambition
aeneus a um
equally also justly fairly
aequipero aequiperare aequiperavi aequiperatus
become put on an equal level to
aerarium aerarii
treasury funds
aereus aerea aereum ADJ
made of/bound with/armored with/of the color of copper/bronze/brass
aestimatus a um
valued esteemed
aesttimo aestimare aestimavi aestimatus
value assess estimate
aestuarium aestuarii
tidal marsh estuary air shaft vent
aestus aestus
agitation passion seething raging boiling heat sea tide
affero afferre attuli allatus
bring to carry convery report allege announce produce cause
affluo affluere affluxi affluxus V (3rd) INTRANS
flow on/to/towards/by; glide/drift quietly; flock together throng; abound
agellus agelli
little field
ager agri m.
agger aggeris
rampart causeway pier heap/pile/ mound dam
agmen agminis n.
column line of march
ago agere egi actus
do drive accomplish
agricola ae m.
ala ae f.
alacris alacris alacre
eager/keen/spirited quick active courageous cheerful
alarius alaria alarium
of the wing pertaining to auxilary calvary
for some time for a considerable time
aliquandiu ADV
for some time for a considerable time/distance (travel) for a while
aliquantus aliquanta aliquantum
certain quantity amount moderate
some several not many more than one
alius alia aliud
another other
allicio allicere allexi allectus
draw gently to entice lure induce sleep attract win over encourage
allido allidere allisi allisus
dash crush against bruise ruin damage shipwreck
alo alere alvi altus
nourish feed raise cherish support
alter altera alterum
the other
altus a um
high deep
aluta alutae
piece/kind of soft leather purse
amarus amara um amarior or us amarissimus a um ADJ
bitter brackish pungent; harsh shrill; sad calamitous; ill natured caustic
ambio ambire ambivi ambitus V (4th)
go round visit in rotation inspect; solicit canvass; circle embrace
ambulo ambulare ambulavi ambulatum
amens amentis
insane demented
amicitia ae f.
amicus i m
amitto amittere amisi amissu
amo amare amavi amatus
love like
amor amoris m.
love desire
amphora ae f.
amphora clay vessel
whether can it be that (negative question)
anagnostes anagnostae
reader one who reads aloud
anceps ancipits
two headed on two sides
ango angere anxi anctus
choke struggle distress cause pain vex
animadverto animadvertere animadverti animadversus
pay attention to attend to notice observe judge estimate punish
animal animalis n.
animus i m.
spirit courage mind
annona annonae
year’s produce provisions rations food
annotinus annotina annotinum
of last year of the preceding year
annus i m.
anser anseris m.
acc before in front of
before formerly
antecedo antecedere antecessi antecessus
proceed go before attain before excel surpass
antecursor antecursoris
scout forerunner vanguard leading troops predecessor
anteeo anteire anteivi anteitus
go walk before precede antedate surpass anticipate prevent
antemna antemnae
yard of a ship sail
antiquus a um
ancient old
antistes antistitis
high priest
antisto antistare antisteti antistatus
surpass excell be superior to
antisto antistare antisteti antistatus
surpass excell be superior to
aperio aperire aperui apertus
uncover open disclose explain recount reveal found
aperio aperire aperui apertus
open reveal uncover
apparet apparere
it is clear it is evident
appello appellare appellavi appellatus
call (by name) name
appetio appetere appetivi appetitus
seek strive for
apporto apportare apportavi approtatus
carry import present bring make one’s way
appropinquo appropinquare appropinquavi
dat draw near approach
apsens (gen.) apsentis ADJ
absent missing away gone; physically elsewhere (things) non existent
aptus apta aptum
suitable adapted ready apt proper tied attached to dependent on
aqua ae f.
aquila aquilae
silver eagle on a pole legion bearer
aquor aquari aquatus sum
get/fetch/bring water be watered
ara ae f.
arbitror arbitrari arbitratus sum
think consider judge
arbor arboris f.
arcanus arcana arcanum
secret private hidden intimate personal confidential mysterious esoteric
arcesso arcessare arcessivi arcessitus
send for summon fetch
argentarius argentaria argentarium ADJ
pertaining to silver or money silver ; monetary financial; banker’s banking
arguo arguere argui argutus V (3rd) TRANS
prove argue allege; disclose; accuse complain of charge blame convict
aries arietis
ram battering ram
arma orum n.
arms weapons
artus arta um artior or us artissimus a um ADJ
close firm tight; thrifty; dense narrow; strict; scarce critical; brief
arvalis arvalis arvale ADJ
of cultivated land; [frater ~ => priest who made offering to Lares for harvest]
as assis N (3rd) M
penny copper coin; a pound; one whole unit; circular flap/valve; round slice
ascisco asciscere ascivi ascitus
adopt assume receive admit claim
aspernor asperari aspernatus sum
despise scorn disdain refuse decline repel spurn
asservo asservare asservavi asservatus
keep guard preserve watch reserve
assideo assidere assedi assessus V (2nd)
sit by/in council/as assessor; watch over; camp near besiege; resemble (w/DAT)
assurgo assurgere assurrexi assurrectus V (3rd) INTRANS
rise/stand up rise to one’s feet/from bed; climb lift oneself; grow; soar
assurgo assurgere assurrexi assurrectus V (3rd) INTRANS
rise/stand up rise to one’s feet/from bed; climb lift oneself; grow; soar
attingo attingere attigi attactus
touch border arrive at achieve mention belong
attonitus attonita attonitum ADJ
astonished fascinated; lightning/thunder struck stupefied dazed; inspired
attribuo attribuere attribui attributus
assign allot impute to grant pay appoint put under jurisidiction
aucupo aucupare aucupatus
catch hunt after seek
aucupor aucupari aucupatus
lie in wait keep watch on
audacia ae f.
daring boldness audacity
audeo audere ausus sum
audio audire audivi auditus
hear listen to
augeo augere auxi auctus
increase enlarge
augeo augere auxi auctus V (2nd) TRANS
increase enlarge augment; spread; honor promote raise; exalt; make a lot of
aulicus i
aureus aurea aureum
of gold golden gilded gold bearing
aurum i n.
austrinus austrina austrinum ADJ
southern; of/brought by the south wind; of southern hemisphere (constellation)
autumo are
say assert
auxilium ii n.
help aid
avis avis f.
avunculus i m.
baculum i n.
balineum balinei N (2nd) N
bath; bathroom (public) bath place/rooms (esp. pl.); bathtub; act of bathing
barba ae
barbarus a um
barbaric foreign
bellum i n.