Late Roman Empire Flashcards
What year, where and by whom was Constantine first declared emperor?
308, Eboracum, his troops
In what year did Constantine win the Battle of the Milvian Bridge?
What did Constantine’s mother Helena find, and where?
The True Cross, Jerusalem
Who ruled Rome 284-311?
What battle and against whom did Constantine fight in 312?
Battle of the Milvian Bridge, Maxentius
When did Constantine I rule?
What did Constantine see in the sky before the Battle of the Milvian Bridge in 312?
Chi rho, in hoc signo vinces
Tetrarchy: two what and two what?
augustae, caesares
What year was Constantinople founded?
What year was the Edict of Milan, and what did it do?
313, legalised tolerance of Christianity
Which edict legalised tolerance of Christianity, and in what year?
Edict of Milan, 313
Which churches did Constantine build?
Holy Sepulchre, St Peter’s Basilica
When did Constantine II rule?
When did Julian the Apostate rule?
Which emperor was the last non-Christian, and when did he rule?
Julian the Apostate, 361-364
What three anti-Christian measures did Julian the apostate take?
- Purged the ruling classes of Christianity
- Reinstated temples
- Conficated church land
When did Valentian I rule?
Who ruled between Valentian I and Thedosius I, and when did he rule?
Valens, 375-378
When did Theodosius I the Great rule?
Who was the last ruler of the Eastern and Western Roman Empires together?
Theodosius I the Great
Where was Theodosius born? How did he come to power?
Spain, through the military
Which two emperors split the empire permanently, and in what year?
Arcadius & Honorius 395
Who was the high watermark of early Byzantine emperors, and when did he rule?
Justinian, 527-565
What language did Justinian speak? Why is that important?
Latin; he was the last emperor to do so
Which 5 areas did Justinian reconquer?
- North Africa
- Dalmatia
- Sicily
- Italy
- Southern Iberia
Which church did Justinian build?
Hagia Sophia
What was the Justinian code?
Reinstitution of old Roman laws
What was the Arian heresy all about?
Christ created by God, and is therefore subordinate
Where was Arianism denounced?
Council of Nicaea, 325
Why are heresies important? Give 3 reasons
- They show the join between church and state
- They pitch different groups against one another
- They cause strife between emperor and population
What was Nestorianism all about?
Christ’s humanity and divinity were two entirely separate ideas
Where was Nestorianism denounced?
Council of Ephesus, 431
What is the Greek term for Mother of God?
What was Donatism all about?
The person of the priest trumps the office of the priesthood
What caused Donatism?
Worry over traitors from Diocletian’s persecutions
What was Monophysitism all about?
Christ is one body, one spirit, one nature
What caused the end of Donatism?
Arab invasions
Where was Monophysitism denounced?
Council of Chalcedon, 451
What was the result of Monophysitism?
Split between Orthodox and Eastern Christianity
What was Iconoclasm all about?
Idolatry, and the worry of breaking the 2nd commandment
When was Iconoclasm an issue?
8th century
Where was Iconoclasm denounced?
Second Council of Nicaea, 787
What supported the iconodules’ claim?
Christ’s advent revealed God’s image, thereby nullifying 2nd commandment
Who were the iconoclasts opposing?
Which emperor was the first to be an iconoclast, and when did he rule?
Leo III, 717-741