Late Quiz Vocab Flashcards
German term for empire
Most powerful German state before unification
Weimar Republic
First democratic republic, replaced by Hitler
Third Reich
Hitlers fascist totalitarian regime
National Socialist Party
Hitlers fascist party
Adolf Hitler
Nazi leader of their reich
Basic law
Germanys current constitution
Federal Republic of Germany
Democratic west Germany during the postwar division of Germany
German Democratic Republic
Communist East Germany during postwar division
Christian democratic union
Germanys largest conservative party
1990 integration of east and west germany
Federal Chancellor
Germanys prime minister and head of government
Federal president
Indirectly elected and largely ceremonial head of state
Lower house of Germanys legistlature
Upper house of Germanys legislature
German states
Federal Constitutional Court
Powerful court that interprets basic law
Governor of a German state
Catchall parties
Attract voters of all classes and are centrist
Angela Merkel
Germanys conservative chancellor
Social democratic party
Small centrist party that often forms coalitions
Free democratic party
Small centrist party that often forms coalitions
Green party
Germanys environmental party
The Left
Farthest left german party
Guest workers or foreign workers
Social market economy
Countrys capitalist economy with social democratic features
Unions must occupy half of the board of directors seats of large private firms
Article 9
Peace clause of japans constitution. Renounce the right to wage war
Self defense force
Japans military with only defensive capabilities
Rich Country, Strong Military
Mercantilist slogan promoting modernization efforts
Liberal democratic party
Conservative party, has had over 6 decades of governence since 1955
Japans feudal era warrior retaiiners
Dominant lord in feudal Japan
Meiji restoration
Revolution from above. Modernization in the name of Meiji emporer
Meiji oligarchs
Junior samurai who led Japans 19th century modernization
Bicameral parliament electoral system
Taisho democracy
Tentative democratization in Japan
Iron triangle
Conservative alliances between elite bureaucrats, politicians, and big business executives
Democratic party
Social-democratic party from 2009-2012
Twisted diet
No party or coalition controls both chambers of parliament
House of representatives
Lower champer of Japans legislature
House of councillors
Upper chamber of Japans legislature
Pork-barrel projects
Government appropriation and policy supplying funds for local improvements to ingratiate legistatures with constituents
Local campaign organizations that supports a condidate, not a party
Administrative guidance
Extralegal policy from government officials to private sector
Descent from heaven. Retiring bureaucrats run for political office
Prime Minister Abes three-pronged plan for economic recovery
Yasukuni shrine
Controversal Shinto shrine honoring Japans war dead
Minor political party/LDP coalition partners from buddhist religion
Japand large business groupings
Capitalist developmental state
Japans modern neomercantilist state. Focuses on private property and state economic intervention
Industrial policy
Government measures to promote economic and industrial development
Zombie firms
Japanese firms rendered bankrupt during recession but propped up by banks and politicians
Senkaku islands
5 uninhabited islands on East China Sea. Land claims between Japan and China
French revolution
Overthrow in 1789-1799 of french absolute monarchy and establishment of the first republic
Yellow vests movement
Mass protests in opposition to tax reforms and reductions in subsidies for gas
Absolute monarchy
Stage of European development between decentralized feudal monarchies. and constitutional governments
National assembly
Lower house of french parliament
Reign of terror
Seizure of power and class war launched by the radical Jacobins in revolutionary France
Events of May
Parison riots where students and workers called for educational and social reforms
Executive system that divides power between a president and prime minster
Council of Ministers
Cabinet selected by the prime minster
Motion of censure
Legislature against the government. New elections are required when proposed legislation submitted as matter of confidence are not passed
Presidents lack a majority of legislative power appoint a prime minister from an opposite party who will have a majority support in the legislature
Frances bicameral legislature
Upper house of french legislature
Blocked vote
Vote that forces the legislature to accept bills in their entirety and amendments must be approved by the government
Code law
Law derived from detailed legal codes not precedent
Constitutional council
Highest judicial authority on constitutional/electoral matters
Government appointed local office
Rally for the Republic
Nationalist, socially conservative, Eurosceptic party on French right
Union for a popular Movement
Center right french party, renamed that republicans
French Communist Party
Dominant left french party since ww2
4 party, 2 bloc system
Coalition building in the second round of the 2 round SMD system
National front
Far right political party, renamed national rally in 2018
Union for French Democracy
Alliance of 5 center-right parties in 1978 as a neoliberal force of the french right
Main french right party, previously named the Union for a Popular Movement
General confederation of labor
Most powerful French union confederation
French democratic labor confederation
CFDT. Smaller confederation back by the socialist party
Subordination of religious identity to state and national identity–state over church
Political view that does not have a consistent ideological foundation but emphasizes hostility towards elites and established state and economic institutions and favors greater power in the hands of the people
Emphasis on state authority in economic development. Social democratic and mercantilist combination
A political system in which mall groups of individuals exercise power over the state without being constitutionally responsible to the public
Nondemocratic regime
A political regime in which mall groups of individuals exercise power over the state without being constitutionally responsible to the public
Nondemocratic regime that is highly centralized, possessing some form of strong ideology that seeks to transform and absorb fundamental aspects of state, society and the economy
Resource curse
Theory of development in which the existence of natural resources in a given state is a barrier to modernization and democracy
Political view that does not have a consistent ideological foundation but emphasizes hostility toward elites and established state and economic institutions and favors greater power in the hands of the public
Co-optation where authoritarian systems create or sanction a limited number of organizations to represent the interest of the public and restrict those not set up or approved by the state
Process whereby the state coopts members of the public by providing specific benefits or favors to a single person or a small group in return for public support
Rent seeking
Process in which political leaders essentially rent out parts of the state to their patrons who as a result control public goods that would otherwise be distributed in a nonpolitical manner
Rule by theft. Those in power seek only to drain the state of assets and resources
Arrangement whereby a ruler depends on a collection of supporters within the state who gain direct benefits in return for enforcing the rulers will
Bureaucratic Authoritariansim
A system in which the state bureaucratic and the military share a belief that a technocratic leadership focused on rational objective and technical expertise can solve the problems of the country without public participation
Illiberal regime
Democratic institutions that rest on the rule o flaw are weakly institutionalized and poorly respected