What cancers is EBV associated with? (2)
Burkitt’s lymphoma and nasopharyngeal carcinoma
What chromosome/gene fuses with what in CML?
abl from 9 fuses with bcr from 22
Methods for distinguishing hyperplasia (reactive proliferation) from true neoplasm such as adenoma (e.g. to determine clonality)
X chromosome inactivation, and Ig light chain (>3:1)
True neoplasms have monoclonal proliferation
What do DNA viruses (such as HPV, HHV8) do to genetics?
They inactivate tumor suppressor genes
Calretinin is a marker for
Cytokeratin is a marker for
CDX-2 is a marker for
Colon cell carcinoma!
Reddish nodule lesions likely indicates which tumor, from which virus, and which disease is this seen in?
from HHV-8 VIRUS
which is associated with AIDS (kaposi’s is most common)
What is acanthosis nigricans often associated with?
Stomach carcinomas
What antigens do neuroendocrine tumors express? (3)
NSE, chromogranin, and synaptophysin
(and cytokeratin)
(NSE is neuron specific enolase)
What antigens are seen in melanomas? (3)
S-100, HMB-45, Melan-A
CA-125 is in…
ovarian/uterine tumors etc
CA 19.9 is in….
pancreatic tumors
What is seen in smooth muscle tumors?
VIMENTIN, desmin, msa
TTF-1 is seen in
pulmonary carcinoma (metastatic) (or any primary neuroendocrine tumor)
Carcinoid tumors are
neuroendocrine tumors!
LCA means?
Lymphoma! (leukocyte common antigen)
there should be NO cytokeratin
(if expresses CD20 and CD79a it’s a B-cell lymphoma, T cell would express CD3 and UCHL)
Vascular endothelial markers include
CD31, CD34 and factor 8
vimentin means sarcoma
Leiomyosarcoma would express
muscle actin, desmin, and vimentin
Tumor marker
Diff between acute and chronic leukemias?
In acute, there’s a block in differentiation, so lots of immature blasts; whereas chronic involves disordered prolif, so maturation is revved up so you would see many mature cells
AML histo
hypercellular, lots of blasts, auer rods (often)
AML with intermediate prognosis?
15;17 is good px
Which translocation is Burkitt’s lymphoma?
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma
most common in kids, can also be in adults
like AML plus splenomeg/lymphadenopath, worse px than AML
hides in brain/spinal cord so need intrathecal tx
poor px: 9;22, 11q23, HYPOdiploid
MDS (and histo)
Myelodysplastic syndrome: don’t differentiate into mature
Increased risk of AML
Slides show psuedo Pelger-Huet cells (neutros with bilobed dumbell shaped nuclei)
Less than 20% blasts
RBCs have ring sideroblasts (iron stain)
del 5q macro anemia etc (favorable)