LAST COMMUNITY TEST EVAR!!!! hopefully... Flashcards
What is learning? Why do we need to think about how others learn?
Learning is a change in a person as a result
of experience or the interaction of a person
with his or her environment. to teach effectively
Behavioral learning theories
- Behaviors caused by external events/stimuli
- Teacher arranges external environment
- Rewards & punishment shape behaviors
- Internal mental states not important
explanations of learning based of observable changes in behavior
Positive reinforcers vs. negative reinforcers vs. punishers
positive = rewards negative = strenthen behaviors, escape from negative punishers = weaken, bad things
weakening to ending of behavior
Giving positive reinforcement for the correct portion and altering the rest
Timing of reinforcement
Schedule the reinforcement with client
• Early on, reinforce immediately & often
• Later, use intermittent reinforcement
Social Cognitive Theory
People learn form others’ successes/failures
• Observing others affects one’s learning
• Models should be admired & similar
• Professionals need to be good role models
• Children model after parents’ eating
Table 10-1
behavioral- find out what reinforcers are valued
social- be good role model
Learning- identify preferences for styles
adult- self directed,
Cognititve- explore prior knowledge, ask questions
Cognitive theories
Focus on internal, unobservable mental processes
• Example: thinking, problem solving
• Learning is an active, not passive, process
• People pursue goals & information
• Prior knowledge influences learning &
Table 10-2
Memory (short-term/working vs. long-term)
Past information is stored in memory
• Build on learner’s frame of reference
• If no frame exists, help learner create one
• Prior experience can be reorganized
Information retained for 5 to 20 seconds
• Repeat it several times to remember
• Group individual bits of information
• Make associations with long-term memory
• Give written information as well
Find out what person knows already
• Relate new information to what is known
• Integrate new with stored information
• Meaningful information retained better
• Visual plus verbal messages retained better
What is transfer of learning? How can we use it?
Learning enhanced if in actual/simulated
• Use examples of the range of problems
• Transfer of learning is not automatic
Andragogy (difference between adult and child learners)
Adult learners differ from children
• Adults become aware of a need to know
• Adults are self-directed, not dependent
• Expanding experiences are a resource for
• Readiness to learn is based on social roles
• Learning is problem centered, not subject
• Learning is present oriented, not future
• Adult motivation is internal, not external
• Professional is a facilitator or change agent
Learning styles
• People have preferred ways of studying/learning
– Learn by reading
– Prefer hands-on (tactile learners)
– Visual learners
– Learn by listening (auditory learners)
– Learn alone or in groups
Teaching styles
The sum of what the teacher does • Example: methods, activities, organization, interaction • Many teach as they were taught • Are you an expert or facilitator?