larynx Flashcards
development of larynx starts and completes at
4wk to 3rd mnth of intrauterine life
wrisberg cartilage is ??
cuneiform cartilage
cartilage of santorini is ??
corniculate cartilage
angle bw lamina of thyroid is ?
male 90
female 120
oblique line over thyroid lamina gives attachment to ??
inferior constrictor
largest laryngeal cartilage
thyroid cartilage
only complete cartilaginous ring is ??
cricoid cartilage
wht is pachydermia laryngitis
due to faulty production of vocal process of arytenoid rub against each other leads to an area of heaped up mucosa on one vocal process which fits into ulcer like depression on side
which part of vocal fold is affected by pacydrermia laryngitis
posterior 1/3
is contact ulcer malignant ??
no they r not malignant
cause of contact ulcers is ??
vocal abuse
TB affects which part of vocal cord
first sign of laryngeal tb is ??
hyperemia and ulceration of unilateral vocal cord with impairment of abduction
mouse nibbled appearence is seen in ??
tubercular laryngits
turban epiglottis is ??
pseudoedema of epiglottis seen in laryngeal tb
lupus of larynx is seen in which part of larynx
syphilis effects which part of larynx
leprosy effects which part of larynx
lesions of leprosy r ?
dull in color of epiglottis is destroyed and gives appearance of hook over a buttonhole
wht is reinke edema
b/l symmetrical swelling of
vocal cord giving appearance of hook over a button hole
kind of voice in reinke s edema
pt uses false cords therefore voice is low pitched and rough
b/w which layers of vocalcord
lies the reinke edema
b/w superficial lamina propria and intermediate lamina propria
dysphonia plica ventricularis is ??
voice production by false cord
treatment of dysphonia plica ventricularis is ??
psychological counselling if functional cause
key hole appearence of glottis is seen in ??
cause of keyhole appearance
elliptical space bw the cords is due to paralysis of thyroartenoid and triangular gap is due to weakness of interarytenoid
cause of rhinolalia clausa
nasal allergy
adenoids nasopharyngeal mass
cause of rhinolalia aperta
velopharyngeal insufficiecy
gutzman test is positive in ?
thyroid prominece is pressed backwards and downwards
muscle responsible for falsetto voice of puberphonia
cricothyroid main tensor
there is hyperkinetic function and spasm of this muscle
intubation granuloma is most commonly found on??
posterior third of vocal cord
glottic cancer is found where
free edge and upper surface of ant 1/3 of true vocal cord
wht is mogiphonia
phonic spasm occurs in professional voice users
initially voice is normal but soon vocal cords get adducted and person cannot speak
lesions of leprosy are ?
dull grey in color
epiglottis idestrgives
most common site affected in pacydermia laryngis
arytenoid cartilage
true abt reinke edema is ? 1usually unilateral 2 common in smoker 3 corticosteroids is mainstay of treatment 4 patient has low pitch voice 5 involves membrnous part of vocal cord
common in smoker
involves whole vocal cord
pt has low pitched voice
wht is functional aphonia
seen in emotionally labile females in age grp 16-30 yrs
laryngoscopy shows vocal cords in abducted position and fails to adduct on phonation however adduction is seen on coughing
indiacting normal adductor function
treatment of functional aphonia
reassurances and psychotherapy
wht is typ1 thyroplasty
medialisation of vocal cord
wht is type 2 thyroplasty
lateralisation of vocal cord
indications spasmodic dysphonia
type 3 thyroplasty
relaxation of vocal cord or shortening of vocal cord
as in puberphonia to lower pitch
type 4 thyroplasty
lengthening of vocal cord
ie in androphonia to elevate the pitch
muscle responsible for change of pitch of voice
ortners syndrome is ??
cardiomegaly + paralysis of RLN
distance bw vocal cords in full abduction
19 mm
distance bw vocal cord as glottic chink
7 mm ie 3.5 mm from midline
which side of vagus is more prone to injury
left as it has longer
features of unilateral SLN paralysis
voice is not severly effected but pitch of voice cannot be raised
iosilateral cord is bowed and floppy,,increased in length,cords sag down in inspiration and bulge up during expiration
unilateral anaesthesia above the cord