Larynx Flashcards
What suspends the Larynx from the hyoid bone?
Thyrohyoid Membrane
T or F: the hyoid is not part of the larynx
What is the role does the hyoid play in laryngeal function?
- All of the muscles attached to the hyoid elevate or depress the larynx
**Important action during swallowing
What are the 3 large unparied cartilages of the larynx?
- Thyroid
- Cricoid
- Epiglottis
What are the 3 smaller cartilages that are PAIRED in the larynx?
- Arytenoids
- Corniculate
- Cuneiform
What nerve provides both motor and sensory innervation to the larynx?
Vagus Nerve (X)
What direction do the lamina and arch of the cricoid cartilage face?
Arch of the Cricoid Cartilage - Anterior (much more narrow)
Lamina of the Cricoid Cartilage - Posterior
What cartilage articulates with the cricoid cartilage on the posteriorlateral surface of the cricoid lamina (wide posterior part)?
- Artenoid Cartilages
What does the lateral side of the cricoid lamina (wide posterior part) articulate with?
- Medial Surface of Inferior Horn of the Thyroid Cartilage
What is formed by the fusion of the TWO laminae that make up the thyroid cartilage?
- Laryngeal Prominence (adam’s apple)
**More acute in men (90º) and less acute in women (120º)
What separates the two laminae in the center of the thyroid cartilage above the laryngeal prominence?
- Superior Thyroid Notch
What is formed as elongations of the thryoid cartilage at the posterior aspect of the laminae?
- Superior and Inferior Horns
What does the inferior horn of the thyroid cartilage articulate with?
*medial aspect of horn on lateral aspect of cricoid
What connects the Posterior end of the Greater horn of the thyroid cartilage to the hyoid bone?
Lateral Thryohyoid ligament
What is formed at the inferior aspect of the oblique line of the thyroid cartilage?
- Superior and Inferior Thryoid Tubercle
What does the Thryo-epiglottic ligament attach the thryoid to the epiglottis?
- Attaches thin (stem) of the epiglottis to the ANTERIOR part of epiglottis between the Thryoid Prominence and they inferior notch
What do the Apex and Base of the Arytenoid Cartilages articulate with?
Coriniculate Cartilage
Base: Cricoid cartilage (on superiolateral facets)
What is the job of the corniculate and cuneiform cartilages?
- Make the arytenoids taller
- Support the wall of the laryngeal vestibule
What is the larynx suspended from?
Hyoid Bone
Where do both the pharynx and larynx end?
C6 (cricoid is here)
**Also the point where the vertebral artery enters the transverse cervical foramen
What do the inferior horns of the thyroid cartilage articulate with?
- What kind of movement is allowed
- Cricoid
- Allows thyroid cartilage to rock anteriorly and posteriorly over the cricoid
What happens when the thyroid cartilage rocks over the cricoid cartilage?
- The vocal folds are stretched and relaxed
* This allows us to make high and low pitch noise
What 3 muscles attach to the oblique line of the thyroid cartilage?
- Sternothryoid
- Thyrohyoid
- Inferior Pharyngeal Constrictor
What direction does the epiglottis fold when you swallow?
What 3 structures is the epiglottis attached to?
- Base of the Tongue
- Hyoid Bone
- Thryoid cartilage
What is formed at the attachment of the tongue to the epiglottis?
Median and Lateral Glossoepiglottic Folds
What Is formed between the glossoepiglottic folds?
**Small intentions where things can get caught
Where does the epiglottic cartilage meet the thyroid cartilage?
- Attaches to the interior surface of the thyroid cartilage in midline (where two Laminae meet)
What forms the medial and lateral borders of the piriform recess?
Cricoid and Arytenoid Cartilage
Thyroid Cartilage
What separates the Supraglottic space from the piriform recess?
Aryepiglottic Folds
What is included in the glottis?
Includes the Vocal Folds and the space between them
What is the space between the VOCAL folds called?
Rima Glottidis