Large Intestine Flashcards
Which large intestine point could be used to revive unconsciousness because it “Opens the portals and revives the spirit”
LI 1 - Jing Wells are good at this
Which LI point would you use more likely for Arthritis of the finger than for Regulating Bowel Qi
LI 3
Shu Stream - Bi Syndrome = Arthritis
Which point on the LI channel is contraindicated during pregnancy, why?
LI 4
As a source point on a Yang channel it moves things through the body, specificlly, can be used for moving Qi in the Middle Jiao
What would you treat using the point combination
LI 4 / LV 3?
What is this called?
Qi Stagnation / Liver Qi Stagnation
- Could be digestion issues, pain, from stagnation
- Wood overacting on Earth
Four Gates
If a patient presents with a fever but is unable to sweat, which two points would you use to release the exterior and promote sweat – what would their CM diagnosis?
Bonus - what other symptoms might you see?
Extra Bonus Practice - what herb might you prescribe?
LI 4, LU 7, Host/Guest Pair
Wind Cold Invasion
Chills, aversion to cold, neck ache, floating tight pulse
Herb: Ma Huang (Ephedra) for sweating if available or wind cold with Gui Zhi
Which 3 points would you use to treat fever?
- Du 14 (All Yang)
- LI 11 (Master point)
- LI 4 (Wind Invasion)
Between which two tendons is LI 5 located?
Extensor Pollicus Longus
Extensor Pollicus Brevis
What is the Luo of the LI channel where does it go?
LI 6 - 3 cun above LI 5
To the jaw, teeth, and ear
What is the Xi Cleft of the LI channel?
LI 7
*remember: LU/LI Xi Cleft and Luo are flipped*
What are the Inner Four Gates and what do they do?
LI 10 and ST 36
Strengthen Digestion
LI 11 treats what anywhere in the body? (why)
It is the Master Point of Heat & Fever
The He Sea of the LI channel is paired with SP 10 to treat what?
Heat in the blood that causes skin issues
Because it is located in the shoulder joint (at the depression appearing at the anterior border of the acromioclavicular joint) which point would you use to treat frozen shoulder?
LI 15
What point on the LI channel is contraindicated for deep needling because of the risk of pneumothorax - what is it really *good* at treating?
LI 16 - “Top of the tracks”
It is very good at descending Qi in the body and treating hyperventalation, even through just massage
Which LI point is located level with the tip of the Adam’s apple?
LI 18
If a patient was having allergy issues, which two LI points might you use? Why?
LI 19 and LI 20 - both clear the nose, and LI 19 also diffuses lung qi, helping cough.
Which point should you avoid deep needling so that you do not puncture the carotid or jugular?
LI 17
What is the other name for the Large Intestine channel, where is it located and what is the flow of Qi?
Hand Yang Ming
Lateral, Anterior aspect of the arm
Fingers to face
At which point do all Yang Channels cross?
DU 14 - Posterior Midline up the spine just under C7
The LI channel circles the _________
What are the crossing points for the LI
SI 12 - Just past LI 15 on the shoulder
DU 14 - Spine under C7
ST 4 - next to the lips
Ren 24 - Under the lips
Du 26 - Above the lips
What is the lower He Sea of the Large Intestine
ST 37
Where does the tendomuscular channel of the LI begin and end?
Jing Well - LI 1
Radial side of the tip of the index finger
Goes to the spine/back and up over the head to the mandible
Where does the LI Divergent channel break off and go?
Lungs Large Intestine
Reconverges w/ LI Primary
Exits around Hea/Neck
To treat high blood pressure, you can prick Er Jian to bleed and use these two points?
LI 11 and ST 9
What are the Transporting Points of the Large Intestine Channel?
Jing Well - LI 1
Ying Spring - LI 2
Shu Stream - LI 3
Jing River - LI 5
He Sea - LI 11