Language planning and policy Flashcards
Describe the ‘three pillars’ of LRs
- negative rights = the freedom from discrimination
- positive rights = principle of substantive equality
- policy and planning = must be effective
Positive vs Negative rights
Classic HR rights/freedoms are often ‘negative’. Non-discrimination often insufficient to provide equality
Positive rights require interaction and maintenance
Define Hemegony
the acceptance of ideologies even if they negatively affect the individual
LHR rhetoric
Christina Bratt Paulston: language rights are considered a causal variable
some disagree
Define linguicism
parallel to racism
What is a Policy?
systematic process
created by individuals on the basis of research
What is language policy?
• Planned interventions pronounced and implemented by states, supported/enforced by law
reflect power relations
Language Policy /or Planning?
“a great deal of language policy-making… [is] haphazard or uncoordinated… far removed from the language planning ideal” (Fettes 1997: 14)
Contrast types of LPP
Status: allocating functions w/in a speech community
Acquisition: focus on users, language learning/teaching
Corpus: changes for or structure of language (e.g. orthography in Serbia)
What are the 2 approaches to LPP?
o Policy: macro focus on nation/society, Standard Lgs
Cultivation: micro focus on literacy, ways of speaking
Example: Council of Europe (2001)
urged govt. of Macedonia to allow use of Albanian in schools, courts & administration
Example of non-offical LPP
o Kansas City school suspends child for using Spanish in class– no policy?– school board rescind suspension (2005)
explain language practises
patterns of selection from linguistic resources /repertoire, for particular domains
Spolsky definition of language policy:
comprised of all three components (practices + ideology + planning)
Shohamy definition of language policy:
falls between ideology and practice
Overt VS covert policy
Overt: school language policy, citizenship or voting test
Covert: street sign, school language test, monolingual health info