Language devices Flashcards
What is alliteration
repitiion of the same sound at the beginning of words
what is assonance
repitition of vowel sounds in words that start with different constants
what is consonance
repition of consonant sounds in words which are close together in a sentence
not necessarily letters
what is a euphemism
an indirect or mild word/phrase used to replace one that is thought to be too harsh or offensive
what is hyperbole
deliberate exaggeration for effect
what is a idiom
an expression that holds a different meaning to its literal meaning
what is a metaphor?
describing something stating that it is somerthing else
What is an extended metaphor?
where a metaphor is used throughoht a piece of writing
What is personification
giving human characteristics to something that is not human
What is onomatopoeia?
where the word imitates the sound of the thing it is naming
What is an oxymoron?
placing two words together which are opposite to each other
what is a pun?
a joke about words that sound alike but they have different meanings
What is pathetic fallacy?
the use of setting to reflect a charcters mood
What is sibilance?
most commonly, repitioin of soft -s and -sh sounds
What is symbolism
where one thing is meant to represent something else