Language and technology 2 Flashcards
画蛇添足比喻因为做了多余的事情,反而弄巧成拙、让事情 变糟。 “画蛇添足” literally means drawing a snake and adding feet to it. The idiom refers to spoiling things by doing something unnecessary.
Play the Tune to a Cow
对牛弹琴比喻试图和不讲道理的人理论。也可以讽刺那 些不看对象是谁就大发言论的人。It is also used ironically to refer to those who talk without noticing who their audience is.
Mend the Fold After a Sheep Is Lost
羊丢失了之后再去修羊圈,还不算晚。比喻人们一旦犯 了错误,立即改正,就能减少错误。As long as we seek to remedy what we have done wrong, we’ll be able to avoid similar mistakes in the future.
病入膏肓(The disease Has Attacked the Vitals)
The idiom indicates a hopeless condition.
It is to prescribe a medicine specific to the illness. Later, it was used as a metaphor to find specific ways to solve each individual problem.
To Bring the Dying Back to Life
( 起死回生)
people used the idiom to praise the excellent skill of a doctor.起死回生用来指很精通医术的医生。
毛遂自荐”比喻自告奋勇,自己推荐自己担任某项 工作。毛遂自荐” means one who voluntarily offers to undertake a certain task.
Meaning: To keep changing one’s attitude or opinions. * 朝三暮四后用来比喻常常变卦,反复无常。
The Old Frontiersman Loses a Horse
Meaning: A misfortune may turn into something positive while good luck may lead to a misfortune.
一厢情愿Only One Side is Willing
people used this phrase to describe the man who only considers his own aspirations, ignoring the objective situation and others‘ opinions.比喻一个人只顾 自己的想法,不管当时的客观情况,也不理会别人的看 法。
How old Chinese Characters?
more than3,000 years old