Language and Language Processing II Flashcards
What are psycholinguistics?
The study of the representations, mechanisms, and processes that underlie our ability to acquire and use language.
- what do they make a distinction between?
- what did chomsky eventually conclude?
Made a distinction between competence and performance
- We know, in some sense (maybe only implicitly), about the structures of our language – structures of words, structures of sentences (Chomsky called that knowledge Linguisitic Competence)
- We use that knowledge in processing language, but we sometimes make mistakes or introduce extraneous elements into utterances (ums and ers for example). (Chomsky called that Linguistic Performance)
- So we need to be careful in using information from the use of language to make inferences about what knowledge people have stored.
Chomsky eventually concluded that Performance could tell us relatively little about Competence
What are the two aspects of language processing?
They are intertwined in everyday dialogue
How are Comprehension and Production related?
A plausible view is that:
–They use a common store of knowledge
–They each have dedicated processes for using that knowledge
Other views are possible
–E.g. analysis-by-synthesis – the use of production methods in comprehension
Use the mechanisms that produce language to project what you’re hearing
What are the three stages of processing?
- Words
- (Sentence) structure
- Meaning (or words/ congrogated processes)
Three stages of processing:
1- where does processing at stages take place?
2- for comprehension and for a particular part of the text, what order do processes have to occur?
1- As a text, discourse, or dialogue unfolds through time, processing at all three stages takes place for different parts of the text
2- words, structure, meaning
Three stages of processing:
1- in spoken language, what is the listener largely constrained by?
2- in reading, what do we have more control over?
1- how the speaker is speaking – how fast, how clearly etc. (although, it might be possible to ask “could you speak more slowly/say that again?”).
2- the order in which information comes in, but we usually stick fairly closely to the order that it would come in if the same material were spoken
Progressing through a text in reading – fixations and saccades
Eyes are not moving clearly, sometimes they’re skipping words or their eyes are moving backwards
Sentence includes: forward saccade, skip, return sweep, regression, refixation
What happens with a harder text?
We don’t always progress forever onwards- more regressions
In the more complicated test, you’re more likely to go back and re read
Three stages of processing - Production
- Production goes the other way round (message you want to display then construct/ populate sentence structures you want to display)
- You have a meaning that you want to convey (not yet expressed in natural language, but maybe in the “Language of Thought”)
- Then you need sentence structures that allow you to convey the complex meanings you have in mind
- And then you need to find the words to express your ideas.
Psycholinguistic research: A pragmatic point
- What has there been a tendency to focus on?
- What has there been a tendency to study?
- Historically, there has been a tendency to focus on comprehension in psycholinguistics, because it is easier to set up well controlled experiments on comprehension than it is for production or for studying dialogue.
- There has also been a tendency to study written/printed language rather than spoken language, also for pragmatic reasons.
–This tendency is not ideal, given the primacy of spoken language.
- We hear noises of a particular kind, or see (usually) black marks on a white ground, and have to divide them into (probable) words and then identify each pattern that is a probable word with one of the words we know and have stored in memory (in our “mental lexicon”)
– Then we can find out what it means
- In written/printed language the division into words is usually clearly signalled by spaces and punctuation
- In spoken language there are not usually breaks in the sound stream, even though we think we hear them
– To some extent we have to break the sound stream into words according to what makes sense (the segmentation problem), on the assumption that all (or most) bits of the sound stream have to be assigned to one and only one word.
- what do you listen to?
- Try to listen for breaks between words. There are some clear breaks but mostly there aren’t
- Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
- Read in Basque
What is our knowledge of words stored in?
The mental lexicon
The mental lexicon
–If we know two or more languages, there are questions about how the two or more dictionaries are related (or are they separate?)
–There are also questions about how both speech and writing access the same dictionary
- If they do, which seems likely, do auditory properties of words influence spoken word recognition, and vice versa?
– And there are questions about whether comprehension and production use the same lexicon
- And given that words can be morphologically complex, is that complexity represented in the mental lexicon or are related forms (“eat” and “eats” for example) just stored separately? Work by Marcus Taft suggests not.