Language and Gender Flashcards
What is Robin Lakoff’s Deference Model? - 10 features
- Superpoliteness
- Hedges - ‘sort of’
- Hyper-correctness
- Tag Questions - ‘isn’t it’
- Speaking in Italics - ‘Please’
- Empty adjectives of approval - ‘lovely’
- Use of implication
- Special Lexicon - ‘lavender’ instead of ‘purple
- Question in declarative statement - ‘dinner soon okay?’
- Women have no sense of humour.
What were some criticisms of Lackoff?
Men use more tags than women
What is Zimmerman and West’s Dominance Model?
Man speak in a deliberately uncooperative way when talking to women to undermine them.
What is Zimmerman and West - Turn-taking?
Overlaps - previous speakers turn ending but start new turn to early but near TRP.
Interruptions - violations of turn-taking.
Same sex - Overlaps more common - 22 rather than 7 interruptions.
Mixed sex - Interruptions more common - 48 interruptions rather than 9.
What were some criticisms of turn-taking?
Eakens and Eakens - status, work - hierarchal preference.
Beatties - small scale data sample
What was Zimmerman and West - dominance through minimal response?
Minimal respond - listener being unsupportive, mixed sex conversation with men dominating women.
What did Pamela Fishman say?
Women used tag ‘y’know’ 5x more than men.
What did Janet Holmes say - oriented tags?
- Speaker-oriented tags - to benefit the speaker, mostly used by men
- Addressee-oriented tags - benefit the listener, mostly used by women.
Men use to benefit themselves whereas women use to benefit listener.
What did Victoria DeFrancisco say?
She observed women:
1. introduce more topics than man
2. talk more than men
3. worked harder at keeping conversations going
Men also reject topics when speaking to women.
What did Helena Leet-Pellegrini find?
Male experts talked the most and violated others people’s turn more than other speakers.
Non/experts spoke the least - used more minimal response.
What did Tannen say?
- Language is different due to differences in upbringing and social conditioning
- Small boys - wide spaces, competitive
- Small girls - play in in smaller spaces, 2/3 groups
Women’s and Men’s conversation by Tannen?
Women’s conversation- rapport talk to establish and maintain relations.
Men’s conversation- report talk to give information.
What did Deborah Jones say?
Women talk falls into one of the 4:
1. Housetalk
2. Bitching
3. Scandal
4. Chatting
What did Jane Pilkington find in her Bakery Study?
- Women agree more frequently
- Men find long pauses acceptable
- Women support
What did Janet Hyde say about gender similarities?
They’re are far more similarities between men’s and women’s speak than differences.