Key words Flashcards
What is accent?
It the way in which someone speaks/ sounds.
For example - rhotic accent ‘r’
What is dialect?
The lexis and grammar used - the Manchester dialect.
What is the meant by social network?
Social network is the people you know.
What is Standard English?
It is region-less. It is the most formal, used by middle/upper class.
What is upwards convergence?
A person trying to make their speak sound more like upper classes.
What is downwards convergence?
A person may alter their accent to accommodate the person they’re speaking to. For example a doctor to a patient.
What is divergence?
Changing the way you speak to differ from the person they’re speaking to. For example, higher class to lower.
What is overt prestige?
This mean obvious positives. This suggests high education, trustworthiness and wealth.
What is covert prestige?
Not so obvious positives. Working class - loyal.
What is R.P.?
Received Pronunciation. Region-less.
What is Estuary English?
Regionless and on a continuum between RP and Cockney.
What is an adjacency pair?
Exchange of turn taking by 2 speakers. Greeting/Greeting adjacency pair.
What is an interruption?
Rudely interruption - Away from TRP.
What is an overlap?
Joining in talking. near TRP.
What is the TRP?
Next persons turn to speak
What is an uniplex connection?
When only one person knows another.
What is a multiplex connection?
When one person know multiple people ‘and…and…and’
What is Restricted code?
Non explicit, requires context.
What is a shibboleth?
Middle class speaker using words to make themselves sound like upper class. ‘Serviette’
What is elaborated code?
More easier to understand, explicit.
What is Idiolect?
Speech habits of a particular person. Certain way of speaking.
What is a language descriptivist?
What words are actually like, no opinions formed.
What is a language prescriptivist?
How words should sound, form opinions.
What is a prepositional phrase?
Starts with ‘with’.
It’s a phrase.
What do most adverb end in?
Time, Place, Manner and Degree
What are the 4 types of noun?
Concrete - Table
Proper - RSFC
Collective - Hurd
Abstract - Joy