Lange Diff Dx and Mgmt Flashcards
Wernicke encephalopathy presentation?
Bilateral abducens nerve palsy (6th nerve) horizontal nystagmus, ataxia, and global confusion accompanied by apathy
Folic acid deficiency presents with?
Cheilitis, glossitis, and diarrhea. Neurological abnormalities usually not seen.
Events in alcohol withdrawal along with timeline
6-8 hours: tremors 8-12 hours: hallucinosis 12-72 hours: seizures. DT at any time in the first week of abstinence.
Pharm mgmt of opiate withdrawal?
Clonidine (alpha 2 agonist) and methadone (synthetic long acting opiate)
Borderline intellectual functioning IQ range
71 to 84?
What is the most common side effect of clonidine
Sedation. It should go away in a few weeks but if it doesn’t, consider reducing dose.
Complex partial seizures: prior to seizure, patients may notice? During the event, patient may have/look? Also what kind of lobe epilepsy is it a/w?
May notice bad smell, unusual taste, GI sx. During the event, patient may look dazed/confused/have automatisms such as lip smacking, eye blinking, fumbling clothes, impariemnt of consciousness. Usually a/w temporal lobe epilepsy.
Neurologic presentation of hyperthryoidism
8-12HZ tremor, lid lag, brisk deep tendon reflexes, proximal myopathy with muscle wasting and myalgias
Pick disease is characterized by changes in personality late or early in disease?
Early in disease
Hungtington disease imaging, what does it show?
Box car ventricles
Beck’s cognitive triad?
Negative thoughts regarding self, the world and the future
what % of alcoholics become severel depressed within the first week of abstaining from alcohol? What % become depressed if they are able to abstin for 4 weeks?
40%; 5%
Why is it improtant to administer thiamine before giving glucose?
Because glucose oxidation rquires a lot of thiamine, and if you give glucose, you’ll deplete the thiamine reserve int eh body. Rapid drop of thiamine => encephalopathy
What is Korsakoff syndrome
anterograde amnestic disroder caused by chronic thiamine deficiency. Classically presents with confabuloation.
Monozygotic twin with bipolar disorder increases risk of having BPAD to?
80 to 90%
Hypersomnolence that is temporarily relieved by brief naps. Cataplexy, sleep paralysis (sudden loss of voluntary muscle tone at beginning or end of sleepy), hypnagogic or hypopompic hallucinations.
Advanced sleep-phase syndrome and delayed sleep phase syndrome.
advanced sleep-phase: social/occupational functioning disturbed by drowsiness during evening. Delayed sleep-phase syndrome: social/occupational functioning distrubed by morning drowsiness.