Lange Child Psych Flashcards
What is the most common method children use to attempt suicide
Substance ingestion
Psychomotor agitation in depression seen more commonly in which peds sub population
Children vs. adolescents
what are common side effects of synthetic ADH
headahces and nausea
What % comobrbidity between MDD and childhood anxiety disorders
Major fluoxetine side effects
GI disturbances and nausea
Rett disorder is only seen in?
Only in girls. Concordance rate for monozygotic twins is 100%
Risk factors for conduct disorder
Biological father absent, mom with somatization disorder/alcohol abuse, large family, conflict/aggressive parents
Treatment for tourettes?
Clonidine (alpha adrenergic receptor agonist). Clonidine also helps control sx of comorid ADHD. antipyschotics (FDA approved - pimozide and haldol) but more atypicals used now for better metabolic side effects.
Stimulants are first line for ADHD but are also a/w with increased risk of developing?
Tics. If child has history of tics, then try to avoid stimulants to treat ADHD (although another answer says that it can still be used with tcs)
Learning disorder dx
Reading achievement needs to be significantly lower than age appropriate IQ
What % of children with learning disorder have comorbid psych disorder?
50%. Usually ADHD, anxiety, depression.
What gender kids usually has enuresis. % of comorbid psych disorder in that gender?
Usually boys. Comorbidity usually 20%. Comorbidity is higher in girls
Clonidine adv effect upon initiation?
Sedation. Usually subsides with continued tx. Hypotension can also occur but usually not significant.
Use stimulants for ADHD even with tics?
Yes according to this answer.
Processing of adopting other people’s characteristics. Important for kids personality development
Most common outcome of childhood abuse
Inability to recognize objects despite intact senses
Inability to name objects even though object is reconigzable and can be described by patient
Inability to perform learned motor skills despite normal strength and coordination
IQ levels/descriptions. What’s normal? Mild/moderate/severe/profound
Normal: 90-110. Mild: 55-70, moderate:40-54, severe is 25-39, profound is below 25.
Chapped hands/derm stuff found is indicative of what disorder?
OCD - frequent handwashing
Stages of development
Infant (0-18): establish secure sense of trust from empathic caregriver. Toddler (18-36): learn autonomy, separation from caregiver. Preschooler (3-6): oedipal stage. Loves parent of opposite sex, jealously hostility towards parent of same sex, obsession of superheroes helps them cope with their own feelins og smallness and indaequacy by id-ing with characters who are strong and powerful. school age (7-12): follow rules, start using reasoning to test fantasy, concrete thinking. adolescence (13-17) can think abstractly
Substance frequency does or does not indicate substance abuse or dependence
REMEMBER language problem is required criteria for autistic disorder. Speech delay, difficulty starting converation, stereotyped use of language
What are common findings in anoreXia
Hyperchoelsterolemia, mild nomorcytic anemia. if vomiting, hypokalemia, hypochloremia, metabolic alkalosis
Kids who are schizophrenics usually have a parent who?
has schizophrenia or has schizotypal personality disorder
What is a type of school for kids with psych illnesses
Therapeutic day school