Landscape and visual Flashcards
Aesthitic perception
Landscape is important
essential part of our natural resource base
reservoir or archaeological and histroical evidence
envt for plants and animals (including humans)
a resource that evokes sensual, cultural and spiritual responses and contributes to our urban and rural quality of life
a valuable recreation resources
landcape impacts: changes in the fabric character and quality of the landscape as a result of a development
direct impact: upon specific landscape elements
subtler effects: upon the overall patterns of elements that give rise to
Visual impacts: relate soley to chages in availabel views the landscape and the effect of those changes on people
the direct impacts of the development upon views of the landscape through intrusion or obstruction
overal impact of visual amenity, be it degradation or enhancement
the reaction of viewers who may be affected
Landscape impacts
landscape elements
local distinctiveness
regional context
special interests
Factors that contribute to the landscape
physical, human, aesthetic, associations
Visual impacts
views, viewers visual amenity
individual elements that make up the landscape, incl prominent or eye catching features i.e. hills, valleys, woods, trees, hedges, songs, buildings and roads. can be easily described
elements or combinations of elements that make a particular contribution to the character of the area incl tranquility and wildness
distinct and recognisable pattern of elements that occurs consistently in a particular type of landscape and how this i perceived by people
Lake district elements, characteristics, character
elements: small field, stone walls, trees in lowlands, bare rock and open uplands, lakes, farms and small villages
characteristics: remoteness, open space, low population
Character: combination of elements as oboe; cultural associations.
Landscape designations
area of outstanding natural beauty (40 in england and wales. 18% of land area designated by natural england)
national parks (14 in the UK)
world heritage sites (designated by UNESCO- 27 in the UK)
others, some cross referencing with additional elements of cultural heritage
policy context
Assessing landscape and visual impact
landscape elements and features directly affected by development
landscape features include- topography, geology, drainage, vegetation and cultural features.
visual receptors incl types and numbers of viewers affected duration and seasonal screening
factors to include in assessment of landscape and visual impact
scale and character- landscape with medieval strip field and enclosures are of more important character than those with large modern fields
condition and importance- land management, grazing, erosion, associated with designation.
sensitivity (landforms and settlements)
change/enhancment potential- new elements? reduce eliminate others? improve landscape quality?
visual analysis- following the field survey present extent to which development will be visible from surrounding areas and viewpoints (zone of visual intrusion)
assessing impacts
ID all potential landscape visual impacts
predict & estimate magnitude
receptors may include:
viewers of landscape i.e. residents
specific landscapes elements i.e. coastline hilltops
other cultural interests or valued landscapes i.e. historic gardens and landscapes
areas of distinctive landscape character