Landmark Laws Flashcards
Ordinance of 1785
Provided rectangular land survey of the Old Northwest.
Homestead Act (1862)
Opened the lands of the Public Domain to settlers for a nominal fee and five years residence.
Morrill Act (1862)
Congress authorizes land grants from the Public Domain to the states. Proceeds from the sale were to be used to found colleges offering instruction on agriculture, engineering and other practical arts.
General Land Law Revision Act (1891)
Gave the president the power to create forest preserves by proclamation.
Forest Management Act (1897)
Authorized some control by the Secretary of the Interior over the use and occupancy f the forest preserves.
US Reclamation Act (1898)
Created a fund from sale of public land in the arid states to supply water there through the construction of water storage and irrigation works.
Antiquities Act of 1906
First law to institute federal protection for preserving archaeological sites and provided for National Monument designation for areas already in the public domain.
Standard State Zone Enabling Act (SZEA) (1924)
The SZEA had nine sections. It included a grant of power, a provision that the legislative body could divide the local government’s territory into districts, a statement of purpose for the zoning regulations, and procedures for establishing and amending the zoning regulations. A legislative body was required to establish a zoning commission to advise it on the initial development of zoning regulations.
Standard City Planning Enabling Act (SCPEA) (1928)
- the organization and power of the planning commission, which was directed to prepare and adopt a “master plan”
- the content of the master plan for the physical development of the territory
- provision for adoption of a master street plan by the governing body
- provision for approval of all public improvements by the planning commission
- control of private subdivision of land
- provision for the establishment of a regional planning commission and a regional plan
The Historic Sites, Buildings and Antiquities Act (1935)
Predecessor of the National Historic Preservation Act.
This law requires that the Secretary of the Interior identify, acquire and restore qualifying historic sites and properties and calls upon federal agencies to consider preservation needs in their programs and plans.
Serviceman Readjustment Act (GI Bill) (1944)
Guaranteed loans for homes to veterans under favorable terms, thereby accelerating the growth of suburbs.
Federal Aid Highway Act (1954)
Multibillion dollar act to create interstate highway system linking all state capitals and most cities of 50,000 population or more.
Water Resources Management Act (1965)
Authorizes Federal-Mutlistate river basin commissions.
The Public Work and Economic Development Act (1965)
Established the Economic Development Administration to extend coordinated multifaceted aid to lagging regions and foster their redevelopment.
The Appalachian Regional Planning Act (1965)
This act established a region comprising all of West Virginia and parts of 12 other states, plus a planning commission with the power to frame plans and allocate resources.
The Demonstration Cities and Metropolitan Development Act (1966)
This act launched the “model cities” program, an interdisciplinary attack on urban blight and poverty. A centerpiece of President LBJ’s “Great Society”.
National Historic Preservation Act (1966)
This act established the National Register of Historic Places and provides for the protection of preservation-worth sties and properties threatened by federal activities through the Section 106 process. This act also created the National Advisory Council on Historic Preservation and directs that each state create a SHPO.
Department of Transportation Act (1966)
Section 4(f) of this act provides protection to parkland, wildlife refuges and other preservation-worthy resources in building national roads.
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) (1969)
This act requires an Environmental Impact Statement for every federal or federally aided state or local major action that might significantly harm the environment.
Clean Air Act (1970)
EPA creates major provisions of the Clean Air Act.
Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) (1991)
Includes provisions for a National Scenic Byways program and for transportation enhancements. each which includes a historic preservation component.
Enterprise Zone/Empowerment Community (EZ/EC) (1993)
Signed into law to jumpstart economic and social recovery in impoverished urban and rural communities through tax incentives, wage tax credits, special deductions, and low-interest financing.