Landing Gear & Brakes Flashcards
Question: When and how do you check the tire pressure?
Aircraft static for at least 2 hours; TSC 1-4 –SYSTEMS—GROUND SERVICE, TIRE
PRESSURE. TSC 5, PRESS Status, Tire Pressure AFM, Cockpit Preflight, Tire
Pressure (TSC) Check.
G700 Note: Recommended tire pressure stationary for at least two (2) hours.
Tire Pressure: 216 PSI
Question: We take off and select the landing gear up after a positive rate of climb is established and the landing gear does not come up. What are you going to do?
Answer: AFM Landing Gear Failure to Retract checklist
Question: How many pins should you have in your hand when you finish the preflight?
Answer: 8 (3 Gear pins, 4 Door pins, 1 Landing Gear Maint pin)
Question: If a landing would result in an overweight landing, where could I find the Overweight Landing checklist?
Answer: AFM Quick Reference Procedures,/ Landing / Overweight Landing.
Question: If Tiller Steering Fails what type of rudder pedal authority would you expect.
Answer: 16° AFM 17° PAS
Question: What nose wheel steering authority would be available with Tiller?
Answer: 82 Degrees
Question: What nose wheel steering authority would be available with pedals?
Answer: 7 degrees
Question: What is the Distance required to perform a 180 degree turn?
Answer: G700 = 68 feet
Question: What does the white light indicate in the gear handle?
Answer: Disagreement between the landing gear handle and the gear.
Question: What’s the meaning of a white gear indication on the flight control synoptic page?
Answer: Gear in transit
Question: How are gear failures depicted on the flight control synoptic page?
Answer: Amber
Question: What’s the purpose of the landing gear LOCK RELEASE button?
Answer: It allows the landing gear handle to be placed in UP position regardless of WOW mode or electrical power.
Question: If the landing gear handle was placed in the up position by using the Lock Release button and the WOW mode was in ground mode, would the gear retract?
Question: After opening the gear doors for preflight, what must be accomplished to put the airplane back into “ready for flight mode?”
Answer: Close all the gear doors and select Normal on the LGCMP; otherwise, the plane will remain in MX mode and gear will not retract on departure.
Question: Is there a CAS message to identify the landing gear at the LGCMP is not in the NORM mode.
Answer: Yes LGCU Maintenance Mode