Land Transport Act 1998 Flashcards
What powers does section 95 of the LTA1998 confer?
The power to suspend a drivers licence for 28 days in certain circumstances.
In what circumstances can a licence be suspended under section 95?
- Driving 40km/hr above the permanently posted speed limit
- Driving 50km/hr above the temporary posted speed limit
- convinced of a qualifying offence in the last four years and has a breath alcohol reading or 401mcgs+ or 81mg+
- having breath alcohol higher than 650mcgs/L
- having blood alcohol higher than 130mg
- refusing to provide a blood sample
What power does section 96 LTA 1998 confer?
The power to impound a vehicle for 28 days in certain circumstances.
In what circumstances can a car be impounded under section 96?
- the person was disqualified from holding or obtaining a drivers licence
- the persons driver licence is for the time suspended or revoked
- a person who has an alcohol interlock licence operates a vehicle contrary to the conditions of that licence
- the person was previously forbidden as they were unlicensed or an expired licence holder
- had a breath alcohol reading of 400mcgs/L or blood of 80mg or had failed to give a sample and had convictions for 2 or more qualifying offences in the last four years
What circumstances can a vehicle be impounded under section 96(1A)?
- Boy racer provision
- operating a vehicle in a race or in an unnecessary exhibition of speed or display of acceleration
- without reasonable excuse, operated a vehicle in a manner that caused the vehicle to undergo a sustained loss of traction
What powers does section 113 LTA1998 confer?
- Direct a driver or other person on a road to give their details or the details that may identify the driver
- Inspect, test or examine - brakes or transport documents
- Move, or cause to be moved, a vehicle that is obstructing a road or entryway or in the interests of safety
- Direct a driver, or any other person, to move a vehicle that is obstructing a road or entryway or in the interests of safety
- Forbid an unlicensed driver
- Forbid a person operating a transport service without a license to operate a transport service
- Direct a driver or a vehicle or rider of an animal to stop, keep to a line of traffic or direction and to direct a pedestrian not to cross (points duty)
What power does section 114 LTA1998 confer and what can you demand?
The power to stop and demand driver details and the registered owners details.
- The name, DOB, address, contact details and occupation
- State whether the driver is the registered owner
- If not the registered owner, provide the name, DOB, address, contact details and occupation of the registered owner.
What do you need to stop a vehicle under section 114 LTA1998?
- Uniform or wearing a distinctive hat, cap or helmet displaying a badge of authority
- by displaying flashing blue, blue and red, lights and/or sounding a siren
How long does a driver need to remain for an officer to determine identity when stopped under section 114 LTA1998?
15 minutes
Can a driver be arrested for failing to stop or for providing false or misleading details under section 114 LTA1998 and what section does this power stem from?
Section 114(6).
What section can a person be arrested under for failing to comply with a direction under 113 or 115 LTA1998?
Section 116
What does Section 115 LTA1998 allow you to do?
Give a direction prohibiting a vehicle from being operated on a road.
Green and pink stickers
A green sticker issued under section 115 LTA1998 is for what?
A vehicle believed to be non-compliant with transport rules.
A pink sticker issued under section 115 LTA1998 is for what?
A vehicle believed to be unsafe for operation on a road.
Section 118 LTA1998 confers what power?
How long do they have to comply?
The power to demand driver or passenger details from the owner or hirer of a vehicle who is under investigation for any offence.
14 days unless the vehicle failed to stop and it must be provided immediately.
To enter a property under section 119 LTA1998 what are the requirements?
- Failed to stop under section 114
- Drove recklessly, carelessly or dangerously
- Has been driving under the influence of drink, drug or both
- AND the person is being FRESHLY pursued
What is the acronym used for remembering the powers conferred under section 121 LTA1998 and what does it stand for?
- Forbid a driver because their physical or mental state makes them incapable of operating a vehicle safely.
- All keys to be surrendered to an enforcement officer
- Render the vehicle immobile
- Move the vehicle to where it does not constitute a traffic hazard
- EBA positive result forbidden from driving for 12hrs
- Direct a person to a place of rest
How long may a vehicle be impounded for under section 122 LTA1998?
12 hours
In what circumstance may a vehicle be impounded under section 122 LTA1998?
If there is no other power or enactment conferred elsewhere and it is in the interest of public safety to do so.
For example, a drunk driver who you believe has another key and will attempt to return to the vehicle to drive once processed for EBA.
In what circumstances, for what purpose may and for how long can a vehicle be impounded under section 123 LTA1998?
- Where a vehicle is involved in a serious crash or a hit and run offence, or,
- A vehicle has been involved in a failure to stop offence
For the purpose of a forensic or mechanical examination.
For 7 days
What are the breath alcohol limits for 20+ drivers?
251 - 400mcgs
What is the breath alcohol limit for an alcohol interlock licence?
What are the breath alcohol limits for a person under 20yrs?
For a person under 20years what are the breath alcohol cutoffs for ION’s and charges?
0 - 150mcgs - infringement only
151 - 400mcgs - offence under the under 20 provisons
401mcgs+ - offence under the general provisions
What is the breath alcohol limit for a zero alcohol licence?
What are the blood alcohol limits for zero alcohol and alcohol interlock licences?
Under what section of the LTA1998 is a drivers licence suspended for failing an evidential breath test regardless of the decision to elect for a blood test and regardless of the breath test reading?
Section 121(2)(a) LTA 1998 - suspended for 12hrs