Ladders 2- Mo- Aerial Ladders Flashcards
Who shall assist Chauffeur of Aerial with proper placement of apparatus?
-while operating at fire/emergency the apparatus shall NOT be backed up unless the chauffeur has the assistance of at least one guide person
Place apparatus how many feet from building?
25 to 35 feet
- city sidewalk is 13 feet from building line to curb
- 35 feet from curb to curb
- place apparatus in CENTER of street
- line up center of turntable with window, using sidewalk makings
Officer or OV can assist with the initial placement of apparatus
2 methods use to attain accuracy in lining up the ladder with a window are?
a. experienced member- sighting along ladder rail of TOP SECTION
B. less experienced member-sighting along the UNDERSIDE of the ladder beam on top sliding section
Recommended distance from tip of objective?
2” to 6”
- for RESCUE- use 2” position
- at extreme angle (7 story building)- allow ladder to BARELY TOUCH the building
Positioning ladder at a window?
ladder tip should be less than 6” over the window sill
-placement must allow for unimpeded access/egress from window
When only one aerial ladder can be used and endangered occupants are not in vertical alignment, place the turntable ____between locations?
-remove most seriously exposed first
Placing Aerial alongside fire escape?
tip 2” away from face of building and about 1 to 3 feet above balcony railing
-whenever possible, place ladder on least exposed side
Narrow Frontage building?
30 feet or less in width
-positon turntable in the center of the building
Large Frontage building?
OVER 30 feet
-no condition or victims showing- place center of the turntable approx. 15 feet from the side wall passed on your approach
this allows for:
- easy forward movement for less experienced member (tiller FF should leaves wheels lined up with tractor)
- more clear frontage for BACKSTRETCH
- backing up would be impractical/time consuming
Placement of Aerial is dependent on 4 conditions?
- immediate rescue
- size of the frontage of building to be covered in case of future need(NOT HEIGHT)
- smoke, heat, or fire causing an exposure that would endanger a victim, a member or the LADDER
- area or street conditions that might hamper optimum positioning
Chocks for Aerial ladder?
one set on EACH side of apparatus
When fire covers extensive floor area and more than one apparatus is needed and contact cannot be made with 2nd ladder company…
be cognizant of response patter of 2nd truck
A. 2nd ladder response brings them into street behind you, proceed to FAR end of building
B. 2nd ladder will respond from opposite end, position near end of fire building
Venting with Aerial Ladder…
- aim at upper window panels, just above sash, and extend WITHOUT t hitting the sides or tops of window frames
- only SLIGHT EXTENSION through window/this will avoid striking ceiling
- NOW, LOWERING ladder usually cracks horizontal sash allowing for complete vent—if angle becomes extreme, just LOWER ladder inside so BEAM breaks window
OV (tiller FF) sets chocks and stabilizers…alternative method, when staffing is available is?
one member assigned to INBOARD side….
OV TAKES OUTBOARD side, thus, OV can observe building
While Chauffeur is operating ladder (victim removal)…
OV must observe building continuously, for other trapped victims
Climbing ladder while extending or retracting is …
-IN EXTREME emergency (serious exposure to high heat or flame will movement of the ladder with the FF AND VICTIM on it be justified
OV, ascends later, followed by Chauffeur…OV will?
climb in window, assist victim out feet first to the LCC…then CLOSE DOOR to fire area and search
Descend with ambulatory victim?
place yourself ONE RUNG Below the rung the victim is standing on…descend in UNISON…keep victim between YOU AND LADDER AT ALL TIME and maintain PHYSICAL CONTACT with victim
- steeper angles- have victim grasp rungs
- talk to victim/reassure/have them look straight/up
- those not familiar with ladders have tendency to flatten themselves against rungs, this will make your position easier
Victim panics?
press them against the ladder(be firm) with your body, do not resume until VICTIM is capable
-IF DESCENT is difficult/tiring, another FF should back up/assist….support member
Removal is not complete, until?
victim is assisted all the way to GROUND
- do not leave them on turntable
- if required, render first aid,until relieved, assist to ambulance- these actions should not be taken, if you are NEEDED FOR ADDITIONAL RESCUE
If there are 2 victims to be removed, order is based upon (unless one has already climbed out on ladder)…?
a. length of time needed to completely effect rescue
b. seriousness of exposure
Serious fire in front may cut off ladder descent in a short period of time….procedure..?
- BOTH members will assist most HELPLESS victim onto ladder-LCC will assist victim below point of danger and to street
- while LCC is descending, OV will climb out on ladder and assist MORE AMBULATORY person onto ladder and complete descent is made
—in this instance, prime consideration is complete removal below dANGER POINT and preventing possibility of retreat cut off by fire
Serious fire in REAR, cutting off interior descent and NO front fire escape…..time is less critical …procedure..?
-SIMPLE removal first, then concentrate on more difficult
When MORE than 2 people to be rescued, OFFICER SHOULD CONTACT?
ALWAYS carry small children down ladders
-when fire endangers victims, members or LADDER, serious consideration should be give to protecting by directing water between fire and ladder
Who is charged with responsibility of proper placement of Aerial?
- apparatus at proper distance and turntable aligned with objective
- rescue to be attempted, officer will order OV/LCC to do so, but NOT remain as observer…he should proceed to fire area for inside rescue attempt….this does not relieve OFFICER (1st ladder) of responsibility of forcing entry into fire apt. for Engine and search
Order of Removal ?
Interior stairs horizontal exits fire escapes ladders rope
- Officer of 1st ladder should strive to enter block after the Engine
- whenever possible, follow engine when responding
remove people via aerial ladder, when they may be calmed and held safely at that location or removed via a safer means of egress
LCC shall remain at turntable when members have entered building by AERIAL LADDER and are in precarious positions such as?
A. floor OVER a heavy fire
b. roof of a building with a HEAVY fire condition
Aerial committed to Roof and is only safe egress from that roof…
- should not be move, unless ABSOLUTELY necessary
- direct radio communications must be made with members on the roof
- evident that there is no immediate need for roof egress at the time and this new CRITICAL TASK will not delay prompt replacement
- units should be informed and ladder returned asap
- this provides egress for member who used aerial for access OR for members who considered it there ALTERNATE escape route
Street has sever crown..
check BOTH inclinometers
- BOTH bubbles must be in GREEN ZONE
- if in red zone, level apparatus
Warning members of LADDER PIPE OPERATIONS..?
-warn via HT/ receive confirmation
-SWEEP stream horizontally across and into windows without hesitating or stopping
Placing Aerial to Roof?
-extend ladder so that the tip is AT LEAST 5 FEET above the point where the ladder comes in contact with building
Generally when climbing Aerials,____are used, when climbing with a tool, but steeper angles, use_____this provides greater control and safe ascent or descent?
hand rails
Hook is the only tool that need not be actually carried on aerial, portable, fire escapes…hook is extended arms length overhead and hooked on a rung, it is not touched again until the member has climbed to a position where the top of the hook is about…?
-hook should be placed on rung of the ladder BEFORE the member steps on (descending/ascending)
Fire in “H” or “U” type…
avoid blocking front entrance to COURTYARD (mentioned in MD’s)
When both stabilizers are properly in placed…?
both STABILIZER DOWN green lights will illuminate
- stabilizer jacks pads
- manual safety pins MUST be placed in the highest hole possible in stabilizers
- wheels chocked
Place inboard side of apparatus not more than?
35 feet from the building line
Perform ONE function at a time and in proper sequence….
do NOT try to raise, rotate, and extend simultaneously (Tower ladders-3 functions at once)
Avoid extending tip of ladder against structure…
this includes pushing or lifting cornices and trying to open sealed windows in vacant buildings
-never allow aerial to be used for stunting
avoid TWISTING ladder by improper placement or by rotating when extended…
twisting if 1st step to ladder collapse
- will occur in high wind or when turntable is not directly opposite the objective
- avoid resting ladder beams on objective before load is applied
- load applied-both beams should gently rest , engaging at same time
For EXTENDED operations or when turntable will be left unattended…
DISENGAGE PTO in order to prevent accidental movement
move the truck with the ladder raised to one side
-retract the sections substantially and turn the ladder parallel to its bed
Always properly secure hose lines to the ladder, taking care that hose straps do not interfere with the operation of the ladder sections…
DO NOT allow hose to be passed through rungs
…Move truck with stabilizers in contact with the ground
Members at PEDESTAL POSITION, BEFORE placing aerial into operation:
- are immediately around the turntable be designated a Danger Zone (turntable platform)
- Danger zone clear of members, tools or any impediments before rotation of aerial
- if FF is to climb the aerial ladder at start of an operation, he shall be in position on the turntable before the aerial is to be raised and rotated
Cold weather…
keep hydraulic systems operating intermittently to prevent sluggishness or freezing….return ladder to bed asap to prevent icing
remove ice: I. free rungs, 2. ladder rung locks, 3. trussing, 4 main beams