Lactation, galactarrhoea, prolactinomas Flashcards
Breast development: puberty
Oestrogen, progesterone
GH (via IGF-I)
- increased alveolar buds
- increased lobules
Breast development: pregnancy
Oestrogen, progesterone
hCG, prolactin
Alveolar development
- increased ducts and lobules
- differentiated secretory units (acini)
- colostrium accumulates
Milk production
Secretory initiation
- progesterone
- occurs during pregnancy
- colostrum
Secretory activation
- decreased progesterone/ oestrogen
- increased prolactin (cortisol, insulin)
- copious milk production after delivery
Milk composition
- lactose and oligosaccharides
Milk fats
- triglycerides, cholesterol, phospholipids, steroid hormone
- caseins, lactalbumin, lactoferrin, secretory IgA, lysozyme
- Na, K, Cl, ,Ca, Mg, phosphate
Growth factors
Cellular components
- macrophages, lymphocytes, neutrophils, epithelial cells
- phospholipids
Lactation (galactopoiesis)
Positive feedback loops
Regular removal of milk
Nipple stimulation
Prolactin (anterior pituitary)
Oxytocin (posterior pituitary)
Lactotroph cells
- anterior pituitary
Similar to GH
Similar receptor to GH
- tyrosine phosphorylation
- JAK-STAT signalling
Prolactin release
Inhibited by dopamine
Stimulated by 5HT (serotonin), TRH, oxytocin
Increased prolactin leads to
Decreased GnRH
Decreased LH and FSH, decreased pulsatility
Decreased oestrogen/ testosterone
Synthesised in hypothalamic magnicellular neurons
- supraoptic nucleus
- paraventricular nucleus
Oxytocin release
Posterior pituitary
- distal axon terminals of hypothalamic mangocellular neurons
Neurosecretory granules released into capillary system of posterior pituitary
Oxytocin function
Afferent signal from receptors in the nipple when the infant suckles ascend to hypothalamus
Increased uterine contraction at birth
Increased smooth muscle activation in breast
- myoepithelial contraction
Increased milk let down
The evolutionary perspective
Mammals lactate
- reproductive stratedy producing nutritious secretion from an exocrine gland
- continued nurturing of offspring after birth
Strategies for success
- milk production
- complementary changes in the mothers brain
- same hormones
Hyperprolactinaemia presentation in women
Oligo/ amenorrhoea
- increased risk of osteoporosis
May present after stopping the contraceptive pill (coincidental)
Hyperprolactinaemia presentation in men
Erectile dysfunction
Decreased libido
Visual symptoms
Present later
Galactorrhoea/ gynaecomastia RARE
Causes of hyperprolactinaemia
- pregnancy
- lactation
Hypothalamic pituitary disease
- micro/ macroPRLoma
- non functioning adenoma
- polycystic ovarian syndrome
- hypothyroidism
- renal failure cirrhosis