Endocrinology of ageing Flashcards
Age: nutritional status
- increased from mid 30s
Lean body mass
- decrease 6-8%/ decrease from mid 30s
- trend towards decreased intake total energy and protein with increase age
Age: insulin/ glucose
Increased [insulin] and [glucose] with age
- increased insulin resistance
- decreased peripheral glucose uptake
Increased prevalence metabolic syndrome with increase age
Ovarian failure
Oestrogen levels
- pre-menopausal: cycling
- post menopausal: very low constant levels
Age at menopause around 50
Symptoms of menopause
Hot flushes, night sweats
Median duration of menopause symptoms 7 years
Morbidity of menopause
Increase osteoporosis
Increase CHD
Increase sexual dysfunction
Post menopausal HRT
Inital observational studies showed benefits
Some subsequent RCTs showed no benefits and increased risks
However risk: benefit ratio depends on
- other risk factors
- age of woman and duration of HRT use
- types of HRT
Post menopausal HRT benefits
Rx menopausal Sx
Decreased osteoporosis/ fracture risk
Post menopausal HRT risks
Increased venous thrombo-embolism
Increased breast Ca (small)
Increased endometrial Ca
Male gonadal axis
Gradual decrease [testosterone] with increase in age
Wide range of normality at all ages
At 75 years, mean [testosterone] 2/3rd that of a 25 year old
Poor association between libido/ erectile dysfunction and [testosterone]
Clinical hypogonadism
Decreased sexual function
Increased osteoporosis
Decreased muscle strength
Testosterone treatment; bones
Increased bone mineral density if hypogonadal
Bisphosphates work, independent of androgen status
Testosterone treatment: body composition
Increase lean body mass
Decrease fat mass
No convincing functional benefits demonstrated
Increased muscle strength with supra physiological doses
Risks of testosterone treatment
Prostate (benign prostatic hypertrophy/ cancer)
Possible cardiovascular risk
Potential risks of GH treatment
Increased cancer: increase [IGF-I] in observational studies is associated with increased risk non smoking related cancer
- prostate, colon, breast
Increased T2 DM
Side effects
- soft tissue oedema
- arthralgias
- carpal tunnel syndrome
Age: cortisol
Increase trough levels cortisol with increase age
Phase advance of diurnal rhythm