Lactation, Breastfeeding & Weaning Flashcards
What is mamogenesis?
The growth of the mammary glands where ductal, alveolar and myoepithelial elements all undergo marked hyperplasia in prep. for lactation that begins when they are exposed to oestrogen at puberty and is completed during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy
Why isn’t milk produced during pregnancy?
The high plasma [oestrogen] and [progesterone] present before delivery inhibits the active secretory effects of prolactin on mammary alveolar epithelium
What is colstrum?
The first milk that appears in the acinar glands in the second trimester and builds up to significant amounts in the breast alveoli by the third trimester
What stimulates colstrum to be released post-delivery?
Removal of inhibitory influence of oestrogen and progesterone so prolactin stimulates the acinar alveolar epithelial cells to begin active secretion of colostrum
What does the colostrum contain?
Yellow and viscous fluid containing high carbohydrates and low fat along with:
- Protein
- Abs
- Immunologically active lymphocytes and monocytes
- IFNs
What is the function of interferons (IFNs) in colostrum?
Facilitates the removal of intestinal meconium and is a factor for stimulation of the beneficial Lactobacillus Bifidus in the intestinal tract
What is lactogenesis?
The transition from pre-secretory to secretory state which is complete at 4-5 days post-partum so milk is produced
What is the cellular structure of actively lactating breasts?
Very clear glandular tissue in an acinar arrangement can be seen
What happens when the baby sucks on the breast?
Prolactin stimulates sensory receptors in the nipple that activate nerve impulse which go to endocrine neurons causing a decrease in prolactin-inhibiting factor (PIF) which releases lactotrophs from the inhibitory influence of catecholamines permitting the synthesis/release of prolactin
What is the let-down reflex?
Oxytocin is released after sucking stimulates sensory fibres in the nipple but this becomes a conditioned response in lactating woman that can be stimulated by only visual stimulation or conscious thought - oxytocin causes myoepithelial cells to contract releasing milk into lactiferous ducts/sinuses
Why do breasts feel fuller and more engorged after pregnancy?
Increased blood supply
What is transitional milk?
Begins after the first week of lactation and continues through the 3rd week post-partum - volume of milk produced goes from 100ml to 500ml by the end of the 2nd week post-partum
What is the breast feeding diet?
Significant increase in protein, carbohydrates, lipid, minerals and calories must be maintained if adequate volumes of milk are to be produced (greater dietary requirements than for 3rd trimester of pregnancy)
Why is mature breast milk so beneficial?
- Contains 3-5% fat, 0.% protein and 7% carbohydrates
- Low casein content aids formation of Curd in infants intestinal tract which increases digestibility of milk
- Keeps gastric acidity high leading to increased antimicrobial action
SO formula milk should be as close to it as possible
What is galactopoiesis?
Maintenance of milk production by regular and frequent milk removal from the mammary glands
What are the 3 important mechanisms to enable breast feeding?
- Regular sucking
- Regular emptying
- Demand feeding i.e. feeding when baby wants (if baby is very small do not go longer than 3 hours w/o feeding)
Will a breastfed babies stools look different to a formula-fed baby?
Yes - breastfed baby will have yellow stools with bits in it that will settle down later (NOT a pathology)
Why does the baby have to regularly suck on the breast?
Promotes synthesis/release of prolactin and oxytocin