Congenital Birth Defects & Teratology Flashcards
What abnormalities can be present at birth?
- Malformation: misformed
- Deformation: formed then affected
- Dysplasia: expansion of immature cells
- Disruption: normal process e.g. cell migration is disrupted
What causes human birth defects in order of decreasing commonality?
UNKNOWN Multifactorial inheritance Environmental agents (drugs/viruses) Mutant genes Chromosomal abnormalities
What is teratogenesis?
Process whereby abnormality is induced in a developing organism during uterine life by foreign agents called teratogens
What is teratogenesis associated with?
Chemicals/pollutants/radiation Alcohol Dietary intake Viruses Medication
What influences the teratogenicity of a substance?
- It must contact embryo/foetus
- Period of development at exposure
- Exposure-time + dosage
- Foetus genotype influences susceptibility
What are the common teratogens?
- Alcohol > foetal alcohol syndrome
- Vitamin A > cleft palate, mandibular hypoplasia + heart defects
- Rubella/HSV > deafness, cataracts, retinal dysplasia+ microcephaly
- X-ray > microcephaly, spina bifida + cleft palate
- Valproate > neural tube defects, facial defects + limbs
What are the symptoms of foetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)?
Midline facial abnormalities via maxillary hypoplasia: No philtrum Thin top lip Heavy epicanthic folds Flattened nose
Mental/neural retardation (behavioural/developmental)
Heart defects
Short palpebral fissure
Heart defects
What infection agents are teratogens?
- Rubella > cataracts, cardiac defects + deafness
- Cytomegalovirus > microcephaly + microphthalmia
- Toxoplasma gondii > microcephaly, microphthalmia + hydrocephaly
- Syphilis > stillbirth + miscarriage
What environmental factors are teratogens?
- Ionising radiation (mainly affects)
- X-rays
- Pesticides, herbicides + fungicides
- Pollutants e.g. heavy metals + chemical effluent
How common is teratogen exposure?
Pregnant women take on average 4 drugs exc. nutritional supplements per pregnancy - 40% of these in critical period
How are pregnant women exposed to teratogens most commonly?
- Drugs used prior to pregnancy knowledge e.g. pain killers
- Drugs necessary for condition independent of pregnancy e.g. anti-epileptics
- Drugs necessary due to pregnancy specific condition e.g. thalidomide, diethylstilbestrol
- Environmental agents impossible to avoid e.g. crop sprays
How could many birth defects be prevented?
Appropriate avoidance or supplementation of nutrition
What are the common nutritional causes of congenital malformation?
Folate deficiency
Zinc (low OR high)
Glucose/ketone bodies from diabetic condition
Retinoid excess
When is the embryo/foetus most at risk of damage?
Weeks 3-8 (weeks 9-14 carries less risk but still susceptible) as core systems are developing by processes like cell division, organogenesis and midline union but also before the women knows she is pregnant
If problems occur at weeks 14-38 what defect commonly occurs?
Functional NOT structural where there is a direct toxic effect on cell of embryo that is either lethal or reduces growth e.g. retardation of mental development in FAS