Lactation and Prolactinomas Flashcards
Go over the key phases of breast development
- oestrogen and progesterone are active
- GH (via IGF-I) act to increase
- increase alveolar buds
- increase no. of lobules
- Oestrogen and progesterone are the main hormones
- hCG and prolactin are also active
- increase alveolar development
- increasing number of ducts and lobules
- differentiated secretory units (acini) form
- colostrum accumulates
What is the stimulatory process of lactogenesis?
- Secretory initiation
- increased progesterone
- occurs during pregnancy
- presence of colostrum
- Secretory activation
- decrease in progesterone/ oestrogen
- increase in prolactin (and cortisol, insulin)
- after parturition copious milk production
- usually 2-3 days post-partum
What is the composition of Milk?
- Sugar
- Lactose & oligosaccharides
- Milk fats
- triglycerides, cholesterol, phospholipids, steroid hormones
- Proteins
- Caseins, lactalbumin, lactoferrin, secretory IgA, lysozyme
- Minerals
- Na, K, Cl, Ca, Mg, Phosphate
- Growth factors
- Cellular components (esp in colostrum)
- Macrophages, lymphocytes, neutrophils, epithelial cells
- Phospholipids (membrane fragments)
Give an overview of the controls of lactation
- positive feedback loop mechanism initiated by nipple stimulation
- Prolactin from the anterior pituitary and
- Oxytocin from the posterior pituitary stimulate this process
- there is regular removal of milk

What is the action of Prolactin?
- produced in lactotroph cells in the anterior pituitary
- similar to GH with a similar receptor to GH
- results in tyrosine phosphorylation
- stimulants JAK-STAT signalling
- Release stimulated by
- 5-HT (serotonin)
- TRH (thyrotropin-releasing hormone),
- Oxytocin
- Release inhibited by
- DA
- both stimulation and inhibition is from the hypothalamus acting on the pituitary gland

What is the effect of lactation?
- Lactational amenorrhoea
- frequency and duration of breastfeeding dictates the efficacy of the contraceptive efficacy
- this is because increased serum prolactin leads to
- decreased GnRH (gonadtrophin-releasing hormone)
- decreased LH and FSH, decreased pulsatility (no menstrual cycle)
- decreased oestrogen/ testosterone
What is Oxytocin and what is its action?
- synthesis also
- a nonapeptide synthesised in hypothalamic magnicellular neurons
- Supraoptic nucleus
- Paraventricular nucleus
- released into the posterior pituitary via distal axon terminals of the hypothalamic magnocellular neurons
- Neurosecretory granules released into the capillary system of the posterior pituitary
- afferent signals ascend from nipple receptors to the hypothalamus when the infant suckles
- Oxytocin causes
- increased uterine myometrial contraction at birth
- increased smooth muscle activation in breast
- increased mil let-down
- ?potential role in maternal behavior?

How does pregnancy cause adaptation in the maternal brain?
- placental lactogen acts on the maternal brain
- maternal prolactin from the pituitary feedback to the maternal brain

What is Hyperprolactinaemia and what are its presentations?
in women
- High serum prolactin
- oligo / amenorrhoea
- increased risk of osteoporosis
- galactorrhoea
- subfertility
- May not have all these symptoms
- May present after stopping contraceptive pill
- coincidental
What are the presentations Hyperprolactinaemia in men?
- Erectile dysfunction
- decreased libido
- visual symptoms
- headaches
- hypopituitarism
- Present later
- Galactorrhoea/gynaecomastia RARE
What are causes of Hyperprolactinaemia?
- Physiological
- Pregnancy
- Lactation
- Hypothalamic-pituitary disease
- Micro / macroPRLoma
- Non-functioning adenoma
- Drugs
- Stress
- Other
- Polycystic ovarian syndrome
- Hypothyroidism (TRH)
- Renal failure, cirrhosis

What are the controls of Prolactin?
- Release stimulated by
- 5-HT - serotonin
- TRH - Thyrotrophin releasing hormone
- Oxytocin
- Release inhibited by
- DA
stimulated and inhibited by hormones released from the hypothalamus exerting an effect on the pituitary gland
What drugs and mechanisms increase Prolactin?
- Antidepressants and antipsychotics
- Anti-nausea and vertigo drugs
- Phenothiazines
- Metoclopramide
- Domperidone
- Mechanism of action
- Inhibition of secretion/ action of DA
- DA antagonist or Da receptor blockers
- stimulation of central 5HT pathways
- 5HT re-uptake inhibitors
- Inhibition of secretion/ action of DA
What investigation should be carried out if hyperprolactinaemia is suspected?
- Pregnancy test
- Renal function
- U&E, creatinine
- Liver function tests
- Thyroid function
- Prolactin (repeat)
- Testosterone (men)
- MRI pituitary
- Micro < 1 cm diameter
- Macro > 1 cm diameter
- Macroadenoma
- Visual fields
- Rest of anterior pituitary function tests
What are the aims of treatment for hyperprolactinaemia?
- Restore fertility
- Stop galactorrhoea
- Also stop nipple stimulation / ‘checking’ (oxytocin)
- Restore regular menstrual periods / libido
- Oestrogen / testosteone needed for bone protection
- Can use exogenous oestrogen / testosterone (contraceptive pill / HRT / testosterone)
- Shrink tumour (macroadenoma)
- Recovery of anterior pituitary function
- Restore vision
What is the management for PRLoma?
- ‘MEDICAL’ line of action
- Dopaminergic drugs
- Cabergoline
- (Bromocriptine)
- these Preserve pituitary function with some Side-effects
- RARE: Fibrotic reactions, Pulmonary, pericardial, retroperitoneal, Psychiatric disturbances
- for MicroPRLomas
- can take COCP/HRT if fertility isn’t needed
- treatment can be discontinued in pregnancy
- may reoccur post-partum- can trial withdrawal of treatment after approx 2 yrs
- can take COCP/HRT if fertility isn’t needed
What is the effect of a Non-Functioning Pituitary Adenoma (NFA)
- what management should be carried out?
- Compression of the pituitary stalk
- ‘Disconnection hyperPRLaemia’
- May also occur with hypothalamic masses
- May need surgery & radiotherapy
- space-occupying effects
- risk loss of pituitary function
- [prolactin] will decrease with dopaminergic drugs
- Need to monitor MRI scan & visual fields