Labour Related Complications Flashcards
What is dystocia
Abnormal labor pattern due to problems with:
-uterine contractions
-maternal expulsion forces
-Fetal size
-Fetal position
-Fetal presentation
-Soft tissue
What is typical for active labor?
3 to 5 contractions in a 10 minute period
Uterus relaxed for at least 1 minute between contractions
What is tachysystole
More than 5 contractions in a 10 minute period
Less than 60 seconds of relaxation between contractions
Or with individual contractions lasting longer than 2 minutes
What is hypotonic labour
Decreased frequency, possibly irregular.
Decreased intensity
Slow progress of labor
What are the risk factors for tachysystole?
Oxytocin use
Uterine rupture
Placental abruption
What is the nursing care for tachysystole
First, stop oxytocin and reposition patient
Begin continuous fetal monitoring if not already in use
Empty the patient’s bladder
Notify HCP
If accompanied by non-reassuring FHR tracing, also:
- Left side
-02 by facemask at 10L/min
- IV bolus
Support and comfort measures for patient
What causes hypotonic labor?
False labor
Early labor
Induction with unripe cervix
Cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD)
Passenger problems:
- malpresentation
Nursing care for hypotonic labor pattern
- maternal vital signs
- Contraction pattern
- Fetal heart rate
- Color of amniotic fluid
- Intake and output
Manage oxytocin protocol if ordered
Teach and support patient
What is post term pregnancy?
It extends more than 294 days or 42 completed weeks past the first day of the last menstrual period (LMP)
What is post term pregnancy associated with?
Deterioration of the placenta and related problems for baby, such as reduced blood supply, decreased fetal oxygenation and reduced nutritional supply
What is the clinical therapy for post term pregnancy?
Specialized monitoring of fetus once the woman completes the 40th week of gestation
Non-stress test
Biophysical profile: fetal breathing movements, body movements, tone, amniotic fluid volume (by sonogram), and FHR accelerations
If problems discovered, induction of labor may be recommended
Nursing care for post term pregnancies
Assess estimate date of birth and the criteria that were used to establish the date
Evaluate FHR as part of non-stress test
Be prepared to intervene for a non-reassuring FHR tracing
What is fetal malposition?
Position abnormal - typically persistent occiput posterior
Nursing care for fetal malposition
Recognize that complaints of intense back pain during first stage may indicate OP presentation
Assess position of head by feeling fontanelle during vaginal exam and with Leopold maneuvers
Encourage alternate positioning during labor to facilitate possible rotation
What are the different cephalic malpresentations?